17. februar 2016


Danes je bil spet dan za rebrca. In ker sem pred časom obljubil, da bom objavil recept, sem se malo potrudil in fotografiral  …

Moj recept za rebrca je nastal na podlagi teh dveh spletnih receptov, a še ni natančno določen, temveč se stalno spreminja in dopolnjuje. Danes je bil tak.

V posodici zmešam zmes za natiranje: rjavi sladkor, sol, poper, čili, papriko, dodatke po trenutnem razpoloženju. Rebra natrem po obeh straneh in jih postavim v pekač, tako da so kosti zgoraj. Pekač zavijem v folijo in dam v pečico na 110 stopinj za vsaj tri ure. (Raje štiri ali pa še več.)

Today it was good day for baking ribs. It was also a good day for writing down my recipe …

This recipe (written down today for the first time) is sill very much a work in progress. I’ve based it on these two recipes but I’m still adapting it every time. This is the today’s version.

For the rub I mix together brown sugar, salt, black pepper, chilli and paprika. Then I rub the ribs on both sides, put them in a baking dish, meat side down, and wrap the baking dish with aluminum foil. I bake them in the oven for at least three hours (four is better) at 225 F.




Najmanj dve uri pred kosilom se lotim priprave domače barbecue omake. Seveda ne na osnovi kečapa, kot se tega lotevajo Ameri, ampak iz paradižnikov. Ti trenutno niso najbolj okusni, a za omakco so dovolj dobri.

Tradicionalisti paradižnike najprej zavrejo, potem jih spustijo skozi mlinček, ki loči lupine in seme od uporabnega dela, jaz pa zadnje čase postopek poenostavim in vržem surove paradižnike v sokovnik s polžastim vijakom, ki naredi to precej hitreje in z manj svinjarije.

V široki ponvi prepražim malo čebule in zlijem čez uporabni del paradižnikov. Dodam začimbe: rjavi sladkor, poper, čili, sol, naprej pa po navdihu – danes je bila notri zelena, česen in gorčica. Pa obvezno eno merico viskija in malo kisa. Malo mešam, nato pustim, da zavre, prestavim na električno ploščo, tako da narahlo vre, zmeljem s paličnim mešalnikom in pokrijem z mrežico, da ne šprica naokoli. Občasno premešam.

Čez slabo uro je v ponvi pripravljena slastna omaka.

At least two hours before the lunch I start making barbecue sauce. Not from ketchup, of course, but directly from tomatoes.

Traditionally, one prepares “salsa” by first boiling the tomatoes and then putting them through the tomato press. I’ve simplified this process and I just throw raw tomatoes into a slow juicer, which separates good parts from bad.

I cook some chopped onions in a wide pan, add the tomatoes, seasoning (brown sugar, black pepper, chilli, salt, other seasonings by the current inspiration), one shot of whisky and some vinegar (a splash or two). When it starts boiling, I move it to an electric plate, mix it with a hand blender and leave it to simmer. It takes about an hour to get a nice sauce. (And don’t forget to stir it from time to time!)






Eno uro pred kosilom rebrca vzamem iz pečice, odvijem folijo in dvignem pečico na 180 stopinj. Rebrca obrnem, tako da je meso zgoraj, in premažem z omakco. Potem jih vrnem v pečico.

Naslednjo uro vsakih 10 do 15 minut rebrca vzamem ven, dodatno namažem in jih vrnem na toplo. Po pol ure temperaturo dvignem na 200 stopinj, da se omaka lepše zapeče.

An hour before the lunch I take the ribs from the oven, unwrap the foil, and raise the oven temperature to 350 F.  I flip the ribs so that the meaty side is up and brush some sauce on the meat-side only. Then I put them back into the oven.

During the next hour this process (get the ribs out, brush the sauce, put them back in) is repeated every 10 to 15 minutes. After 30 minutes I also raise the temperature to 390 F.




In to je to. Po eni uri mazanja in zapekanja (oziroma štiri do petih urah od začetka) so rebrca pripravljena. Žal traja bistveno manj časa, da rebrca izginejo :)

Zraven paše kakšno dobro pivo. Pa dober tek!

Finally the ribs are ready! It took about five hours, but most of the time I didn’t have to to anything. Sadly, it takes much less time to eat them :)

Recommeded drink: a good beer. Bon appetit!


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