13. junij 2013

Hickies za tek?

Mogoče se še spomnite, da sva lani podprla Kickstarter projekt Hickies, nadomestek za vezalke. No, na zadevo smo se trije od štirih čisto navadili (edino tavelka se nekaj zmrduje) in jo tlačimo na vsa obuvala, od superg do skejterc.

A bit of history… Last year we actively supported the Hickies project on the Kickstarter and we have instantly fallen in love with them. We (OK, 3 out of us 4) are now using them on all kinds of shoes.


Danes pa sem se končno spravil spet laufat (tile pomladni meseci me s cvetnim prahom čisto ubijejo) in ker me je zanimalo, kako se Hickies obnesejo za tek, sem naredil psevdoznanstveno primerjalno analizo in dal na eno nogo pohikijan copat, na drugo pa klasično zavezanega. (Tele turkizne zankice so sicer za K.-jine tekaške superge, ampak jih še ni zmontirala, pa sem jih začasno zaplenil.)

But I always had this nagging question – Do they perform on running shoes? And today, finally, I did a pseudoscientific experiment and put Hickies on one of my running shoes while leaving the other one laced in the conventional manner.


Rezultat? Po 8,5 km teku, malo po asfaltu, več po makadamu, sem imel občutek na levi nogi vsaj tako dober, če ne celo boljši, kot na desni. Odgovor je torej: »Ja!« Hickies so za tek vsekakor primerni. Pa še odvezujejo se ne.

The result is strictly positive. I did 8,5 km (good 5 miles) on tarmac and macadam and I think that the left foot was enjoying its shoe more than the right one. So the answer is a definite Yes. Hickies work for running and the best thing is that they don’t untie in the middle of the run.

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