30. april 2013
28. april 2013
Marčno branje
»It took me fifty jumps in the desert, near the pit, to determine that 180 mph was the edge of my comfort zone, the equivalent of a skydiver assuming a head-down, streamlined posture while plummeting. The air rushing by at this speed sounded like a hurricane and my clothing snapped and tugged, but it didn’t rip and it didn’t come loose. The goggles were a must.« Četrti del iz serije »Jumper« o družini z sposobnostjo teleportiranja. Spodobno nadaljevanje. | |
»The Darkhat Leader had mastered the art of catching a nap while riding his horse, and his steed dutifully followed Chucai’s horse as they picked their way along the narrow track that wound down to the valley. The moon tripped along the rim of the horizon, ready to flee at the first glimmering of dawn. The bonfires of the feast no longer filled the valley with red-orange light; they, like the rest of the Khagan’s caravan, were slumbering. The nocturnal birds—owls and tiny swifts—had fallen silent too, no longer chasing prey and filling the night with their cries. This last hour before dawn was always the emptiest, the time when the world appeared to be holding its breath. « Zaključek odlične trilogije iz časov mongolskega osvajanja Evrope. Potihoma upam, da bomo dočakali še četrti del, saj zgodba na koncu ostane čisto odprta. | |
Paolo Bacigalupi, Ship Breaker, The Drowned Cities »Ever after, the clink and freeze of ice was something that Mahlia associated with China. A fairy-tale luxury from a fairy-tale land. According to her father, China had ice for drinking and electric bicycles for traveling; they had cities with towers a thousand feet high, all because they were civilized.« Dve knjigi iz bližnje prihodnosti, ko naraščanje morij zaradi globalnega segrevanja povzroči sesutje kapitalističnega sistema. Ship Breaker mi je bil bolj všeč. | |
»I didn't leak the docs on LaptopLock. Neither did Ange. Neither did Jolu. According to the logs, we were the only ones that had touched them. But they leaked anyway.« V Homeland Doctorow nadaljuje temo iz knjige Little Brother – kaj lahko državljan naredi v Ameriki, kjer »Agencija za domovinsko varnost« prevzema oblast. Tipičen Doctorow – udaren začetek, spodobna sredina, švohoten konec. Se pa da knjigo (čisto uradno) dobiti zastonj. | |
Joshua Foer, Moonwalking with Einstein »My own memory was average at best. Among the things I regularly forgot: where I put my car keys (where I put my car, for that matter); the food in the oven; that it’s “its” and not “it’s”; my girlfriend’s birthday, our anniversary, Valentine’s Day; the clearance of the doorway to my parents’ cel ar (ouch); my friends’ phone numbers; why I just opened the fridge; to plug in my cel phone; the name of President Bush’s chief of staff; the order of the New Jersey Turnpike rest stops; which year the Redskins last won the Super Bowl; to put the toilet seat down. Ben Pridmore, on the other hand, could memorize the order of a shuffled deck of playing cards in thirty-two seconds.« Joshua Foer je pripravljal članek o ljudeh, ki tekmujejo v pomnenju (tipa: kdo si hitreje zapomni vrstni red premešanega paketa kart), potem pa je začel resno trenirati in zmagal na prvenstvu ZDA. Knjiga popisuje leto, ko se je pripravljal na turnir, ob tem pa še vse živo o zgodovini in trenutni praksi mnemotehnik. Zanimivo in berljivo. |
Berem: Stoletnik, ki je zlezel skozi okno in izginil
27. april 2013
3rd Reveal of the 7th Bead Soup Blog Party
Tako, pa je le napočil dan razkritja, ko lahko pokažemo, kaj smo ustvarili iz prejetih župc. Se še spomnite, kaj sem dobila od Christine? Tukaj je moj krožnik. In tukaj je prvi kos, ki sem ga naredila in za katerega sem porabila glavno stekleno perlo, listke, steklene perlice: | And so finally came the 3rd reveal date. My pieces have been ready for some time, but I didn’t manage to use up all the soup – yet. Remember, what I got from Christine? Here is my soup plate. I loved the colors and I had to really put my thinking cap on for the flowers. I hope that she’ll be pleased. This is the 1st piece I made – I used the focal for it, one of the leaves, some glass beads ... |
Del, ki ga ne vidite, je samo verižica. To je dolga verižica, ki lepo pade v dekolte in jo strašno rada nosim. Tudi ker je v mojih barvah. Drugi enak listek sem uporabila prav tako na verižici s perlami iz muranskega stekla. Še celo male listke za na uhane sem uspela najti v svojih zalogah! Tale je šla od doma še vroča, ampak je danes prišla na fotošuting. | The part you can’t see is just silver chain. It’s a long necklace, I love it and I wear it a lot! I used the 2nd of these leaves on a similar necklace as a focal, but that one went out of the door before I even managed to snap a photo! But my friend was a darling and she came by today so hubby could photograph it. I even managed to find small leaves for her earrings in my stash, aren’t they cute? |
Nekaj malih zelenih listkov sem uporabila za uokvirjanje fantazijskih kosov iz polimerne mase, sestavljenih v asimetrično ogrlico. | I used some of the small green leaves as a frame of the polymer clay beads in this asymmetrical necklace. |
Nato sem morala uporabiti sponko. Christine je poslala 2 verižici za zapestnico s sponkama na rože in eno sem uporabila takole: | Next I had to use the clasp. Christine sent two bracelet chain blanks with floral clasps and I used one so far: |
Se pravi, da nisem uporabila le osnove za zapestnico, ampak tudi kup rožic in perlic. Pa še dvoje uhane sem naredila za zraven. Ta poletni kos je naprodaj. Druga osnova me še čaka. Župca se počasi porablja … biserno matico bom zagotovo uporabila pri kakšnem poletnem kosu v vijoličastomodri kombinaciji, na vrsto ni prišla le zato, ker razmišljam, v kaj naj usmeri pogled. Enega od razvejanih srebrnih lističev je uporabilo naše dekle. Vas zanima, kako? | So, I didn’t use just the clasp and the wire, I used a bunch of flowers and smaller beads for their centers. I had fun making this one, but it’s on sale because I wouldn’t know how to wear it. I also made two pairs of earrings to go with it, one pink and one blue, but those can be mixed and matched as well. The 2nd “bracelet blank” is still waiting. So, my bead soup is slowly getting used up … I’m sure I’ll use the mother of pearl beads in a summery blue-violet necklace, but I didn’t think up the focal for that one yet. My daughter used one of the branched silver leaves in her own way. Interested? Look! |
(Še nekaj kačjih pastirjev je naredila, vendar bo tiste večinoma kar sama objavila.) Tako, to bo za začetek vse. Nekaj zamisli še imam, vendar jih zdajle ne morem uresničiti, ker sem v Avstriji na delavnici polimerne mase. Upam, da se je objava pravilno postavila na svoje mesto … | (She made more dragonflies, but she’ll publish those by herself, mostly.) So, this is it for now. I still have a couple of ideas to realize and a bunch of material to do so, but I can’t right now because I’m in Austria, taking a polymer clay masterclass. See you on Monday, when I’ll also have time to bloghop and see what other participants did! Have fun! |
25. april 2013
24. april 2013
Nekaj pomladnih kosov
Dnevi kar bežijo in nekaj starih stvari vam še nisem pokazala. Novih tudi ne, ampak nekaj novih je treba še fotografirati. Pred soboto, ker v soboto bo končno napočil datum 3. skupine za razkritje izdelkov iz naših perlastih župc. Torej, končno sem naredila en obesek z “Evinimi” naucumi. In končno sem naročila svilene trakce in nitke. Končno sem sestavila tudi zapestnico s koščki, izdelanimi po navdihu Iris Mishly. Za osnovo sem uporabila džersi in se 2x navije okoli zapestja. | The days are quickly passing by and there’re some not new pieces that I didn’t show you yet. There are also some newer pieces that still have to be photographed. Before Saturday! Because this Saturday it will finally be the time for the much postponed 3rd group reveal of the Bead Soups. I bet that we’re all waiting nervously. So, I finally finished one naucum beads pendant that I learned making from Eva. And I finally ordered some sari silk. Also, I finally put together the bracelet with the beads, inspired by Iris Mishly. I used jersey as stringing material for that one. It goes around the wrist twice and it’s a bit chunky. Very summery. |
23. april 2013
Nedeljski utrinek (v torek)
Mene je gripa položila, zato mi stvari uhajajo iz glave, ampak tako sceno smo naredili za pomladna koncerta Simfonike, ki sta bila v nedeljo na Vrhniki. Idejna zasnova je pa moja (če se smem pohvalit). (Neža, sem od preveč daleč fotografirala, da bi se lepo videle tudi male papirne rožice, za katere si posodila nožek!)
18. april 2013
Svet se pa vrti [257]
14. april 2013
11. april 2013
Svet se pa vrti [256]
Plavajoče vaze. www / vir | |
Radirke. www / vir | |
6500 vijakov. www / vir | |
Spet malo igranja s hrano. www / vir | |
12.000 osvetljenih krogel. www / vir / video | |
Kolo iz dveh Ikeiinih Frost (in nekaj malega dodatnih plastičnih delov). www / vir | |
Kaj se skriva pod ruskimi zgradbami (reklamna kampanja)? www / vir | |
Portret, razporejen po celi sobi. www / vir | |
Abecedni stoli. www | |
Skulpture. www / vir |
8. april 2013
Malo mešano – v enem kosu
Za tale asimetrični kos sem se pa malo bolj namatrala – predvsem s kvačkanjem. In žico. In garnom. Sem pa zato zadovoljna z njo. | This piece required a “bit” more work. The crocheted seed beads took their time, the wirework as well … |