29. maj 2014

Svet se pa vrti [302]

Sadilni lončki za mini mesteca.

www / vir
Create Your Own Mini Villages with the Bonkei Planters in home furnishings Category
Ledene skulpture za v viski.

www / vir
Vaza za knjižno polico.

www / vir
Hanabunko Flower Vase
Zložljivo dvokolo z zložljivimi kolesi.

www / vir
Osvetljene regratove lučke.

www / vir
OLED Dandelion Lights by Takao Inoue  plants lighting flowers dandelions
Domači ljubljenčki – mladički in odrasli.

www / vir
Iz zemljevidov izrezane ptice.

www / vir
Flocks of Birds Laser Cut from Maps by Claire Brewster sculpture paper birds
Prilagodljiva luč.

www / vir
Gobice, takšne in drugačne.

www / vir
Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia
Solze pod mikroskopom.

www / vir
Priložnostni stol.

www / vir
Spremenite stopnice v tobogan.

www / vir
»Nevidne« knjižne police.

www / vir
Custom adidaske.

»Kamni« iz plasti avtomobilske barve.

Flat-pack naslanjač, zdaj tudi pri nas.

www / vir

25. maj 2014

Magnetki so kul!

Ta teden sta (končno!) prispela rezultata dveh crowdsourcanih (»množicanje« mi nekako ne sede) projektov – RaceDots in Polar pen.

Prvi projekt je uporabna zadeva – pet parov magnetkov, s katerimi pritrdiš tekaško številko na majico. V bistvu rabiš štiri, en je pa rezerva. Prispeli so na kartončku, ki je uporaben tudi za shranjevanje.

From time to time I’m contributing to some crowdsourcing project and this time I’ve (finally!) received two magnetic products – RaceDots and Polar pen.

The first one is set of five magnets which can be used to attach race number to your clothing.

1 racedots na kartončku

Pogled na zgornjo in spodnjo stran. Na spodnji strani zgornjega magnetka je izboklina, ki poskrbi, da se oba dela dobro usidrata.

RaceDots from above and from below. The upper part has a small bump which locks to the bottom ring.

2 racedot od blizu - zgoraj

3 racedot od blizu - spodaj

Ne vem še, kako se pikice obnesejo v praksi, je pa hči dokazala, da so spodobno močne:)

I don’t yet know how well they’ll function in practice but they are certainly strong enough to work.

4 racedots na roki

Drugi projekt, Polar, je kemično pisalo, sestavljeno iz magnetkov. Zabavna zadeva, sploh ko otrokom kažeš, česa so magneti sposobni.

The second project is a pen + stylus made from magnets. It may not be very practical but it certainly is a great toy.

5 polar - sestavljen

6 polar - razstavljen

Spodnja slika je pobrana s spletišča proizvajalca in prikazuje samo nekaj primerov »praktične rabe«.

The picture below is published on the Polar pen web and shows just a few examples of practical “use”.

18. maj 2014


V petek so bile tri letve neznanega izvora (beri: nimam pojma, kdaj in zakaj sem jih kupil/dobil) in ene deska iz debla stare slive, ki je včasih rasla na našem vrtu.

A small project for this weekend (actually, for Friday and Saturday afternoon) – I started with four pieces of wood …

1 les

V soboto sta iz njih nastala dva okvirja. Manjši je šel danes od doma za darilo, veliki pa bo nekoč visel na zidu v spalnici.

… and turned them into two frames. The small one is a picture frame and left the house today as a gift and the larger is an unfinished project which will some day hang in our bedroom. (I’ll make sure to publish final result here.)

6 oba okvira

3 okvir

Ročaj za mali okvir je prišel iz K-jine škatle s posebnimi kosi.

The small frame hangs on a drawer frame which I took from K’s “special” box.

2 stvari

Za površinsko obdelavo sem uporabil šelakovo polituro, ki sem jo pred leti dobil za darilo, pa ni nikoli prišla na vrsto.

It is finished with shellac.

4 okvir - politura

Deska je bila vsa ukrivljena, zato se nisem pretirano ubadal z ravnimi robovi in ujemanjem kotov, temveč sem na koncu z brušenjem zgoljufal lep, »naplavinast« videz.

The board that was used for the small frame was all uneven and twisted so I had to “fix” some problems at corners with sanding.

5 okvir - vogal

Rezkanje utorov v velikem okvirju je bilo ekstra zoprno. Še bo treba vaditi … Ampak s temle kotom sem že skoraj zadovoljen.

The big frame was easy to put together but I had quite some work with precise routing. It’s not perfect yet, but I’m getting there.

7 vogal

15. maj 2014

Svet se pa vrti [301]

Znani citati, narisani s kredo.

www / vir
Famous Quotes Illustrated on Chalkboards by an Anonymous Student Duo typography student illustration chalk
Gugalne pošasti.

www / vir
3D risbe na pesku.

fb / www / vir 
3D Illusion Sand Drawings

www / vir
Papir + digitalna manipulacija.

www / vir
Digital Papercut Illustrations by Eiko Ojala paper illustration digital

www / vir
Edible Crayon and Paint Splattered Chocolate Bars by Unelefante paint food chocolate

www / vir
Surface to Structure: An Origami Exhibition Featuring 80 Paper Artists at Cooper Union paper origami exhibition
Mesta v silhuetah.

www / vir
Popravljeno z zlatom.

Kintsugi: The Art of Broken Pieces gold ceramics
Luči iz recikliranega kartona.

www / vir

13. maj 2014


Še nekaj posnetkov z našega sobotnega potepanja po Piranu.

A few more photos from our Saturday trip to Piran.

07 Piran

08 oblaki

09 hiše in zvonik

11 terasa na strehi

14 sonce na stropu

16 Tartinijada

19 čela - sence

12. maj 2014

Piranska obzorja / Piran skylines

V soboto smo šli poslušat nastop 170 godalcev na Tartinijadi in ker je naša tavelka igrala čelo, smo morali biti tam že nekaj ur pred začetkom in smo imeli ful časa za potepanje po Piranu. Enkrat po poti sem se zazrl navzgor (in to hitro obžaloval, ker je Piran poln pasjih min) in ugotovil, da hiše in nebo v Piranu predstavljajo neskončen vir kompozicij.

Kliknite spodaj za ogled slik.

On Saturday we visited Piran, a beautiful old city on the Slovenian coast. We went there mainly to listen to the big string orchestra with 170 young musicians playing on this year’s Tartinijada (our oldest was playing cello), but we also found some time to walk around the city and snap loads and loads of photos.

Click on the montage below to see the full album.


10. maj 2014

Bead soup 8 (3. del)

V ZDA bo tačas, dokler bom spisala tole objavo, nastopil 10. maj, čas za objavo izdelkov, narejenih iz juhice, ki smo si jih razposlale perlipartnerke po vsem svetu. Tu lahko vidite, kaj sem dobila od Katie, tu pa, kaj sem jaz poslala njej. Katie mi je nehote postavila rok za učenje tehnike kumihimo, za katero sem si novembra kupila ploščo, pa je nisem niti iz embalaže vzela, dokler niso prišli njeni čudoviti trakci. Moram jo še pobarati, kje jih kupuje, ker takih pri nas še nisem videla.
Najprej sem vzela par prejic za vezenje, da sem se naučila prepletanja. Ugotovila sem, da ni nič kaj težko, je pa s prejicami za vezenje ZELO zamudno. In zelo elegantno in sploh kjut. Po naključju (prisežem!) sem za poskusno rundo vzela barve, ki so se mi nato natanko ujele s stekleno perlo iz Katiene rezervne juhice. In je nastalo tole.
While I’m writing this post, it turned midnight of May 10th over in the States. Which means that it’s time to post the results from the beadsoup and participate in the bloghop that Lori organizes every year. This year the participants roll is a mile long! I was paired with Katie and I sent her this soup. She sent me a soup that inadvertently set me a deadline for learning kumihimo, a technique for which I bought the board sometime last November and didn’t manage to even unpack it till my soup came.
The ribbons Katie sent me are gorgeous and I didn’t want to mess them up, so I first grabbed some trial embroidering cotton. Which was nice, of course, but oh so thin! I somehow managed to select strands that were perfect for the focal of Katie’s spare soup – by chance, I swear. So this one came to life. I love it, it’s so not me, not my colors, not my style, very thin and delicate and I’m really looking forward to wearing it!


Potem sem rekla, no, pa dajmo zares, nanizala poslane perlice, zvezala trakce, prepletla in dobila čudovito pisano vrv s perlicami. Nanjo je bilo treba obesiti glavno keramično perlo, vendar se mi je zdelo, da je sama po sebi prešibka, zato sem naredila iz nje kalup in jo ponovila še v 3 barvah v polimerni glini. Vzela sem modro verižico, jo parkrat preganla, namestila sponko in še dobro, da mi je ostalo nekaj malih koščkov trakcev, ker se je izkazalo, da bo najbolje, če na verižico obeske privežem kar s trakci in ponovim motiv prostega zaključka. So it was time to boldly string the seed beads and start braiding the gorgeous strands. I loved every minute of this work, a great rope came to be, so colorful and mad, totally my style. It was time to use the focal on it, but when I put the two together, the beautiful ceramic handmade focal (on the right) disappeared. So I made a mold out of it and repeated it 3 times in polymer clay. I took some blue chain, tied it on on one side, clamped on the clasp on the other and tried to figure out how to attach the focals. I wasn’t satisfied with wire, so I clipped them off and then I saw the cut-off of the strands. I tied the focals on and … voila … my main piece was finished.


Katie bo vesela, ko bo izvedela, da je s kumihimom okužila tudi našega najstnika. Fantu se zdi neznansko perfektno, da lahko brez večjih težav in z urejenim prepletanjem tudi on naredi zaključen izdelek. Najprej je poizkusil z recikliranimi trakovi džersija in svile, nato je iz zelene, sive in florescentne naredil še eno tanjšo zapestnico, ki jo je podaril teti, ker je rekla, da je prav v njenih barvah, nato pa je iz različnih voln z dodatkom ene noro cufkaste naredil še eno vrvico, ki je prave dolžine za celo verižico, zato bo dobila še obesek. Morda kar tega, ki je prišibal mimo na fotosešn. Katie will be really pleased that she managed to infect my 12-yo son with kumihimo as well. He was immensely proud that he made the left bracelet with some t-shirt yarn and sari silk, he had me prepare him another set of thinner ropes for another bracelet that he gifted to his aunt when he commented that those are her colors (light green, silver and flash yellow) and then a set of wools and crazy strands for a rope that is long enough for a necklace and will probably get a pendant. Maybe the one that came by for the photo-shooting, who knows.


Tako, to je moja letošnja juhica, skočite še do Katie, da vidite, kaj je ona naredila iz prejete mešanice. In obiščite še druge udeleženke! So, this is my soup for this year, you should check what Katie made from the mix I sent to her and visit at least a portion of the other participants!
