Zadnje čase za izdelavo ozadij vsi neki hvalijo Gelli plate. Z monoodtisi sem imela že nekaj izkušenj iz starih spletnih delavnic (folija, razne plastike itd.), zato me je tale plošča kar nekaj časa mučila. In ker mi ni bilo do tega, da bi jo za spodobne denarje naročala iz ZDA (ok, saj sama plošča ni blazno draga, ampak poštnina!!), ne da bi vedela, ali jo bom tudi zares uporabljala, sem si shranila recept zanjo. V četrtek zvečer sem jo vlila. V petek zjutraj sem jo, medtem ko se mi je kuhala kava, preizkusila. In potem se je zgodilo tole: | Everybody is talking so much about gelli plates that I had to try my hand at it. When I checked, they were only selling them in the States. This changed in the meantime, but I was all set on making one by myself, because I didn’t know if it will work for me, specially if I’ll be tempted to do it more than once. So I found a recipe, bought the ingredients, mixed and poured. It was Thursday afternoon so I let it set till Friday morning. I tried it while my coffee was brewing. And then this happened: |
Naredila sem prvi odtis na desno polovico in drugi odtis na levo polovico lista. | I did the 1st print on one half of the paper, the 2nd on the 2nd half. |
Ker je bilo na plošči še nekaj barve, sem poskusila narediti še tretji odtis. In potegnila pol plošče s sabo na papirju. Zakaj, presneto? | There was still color on the plate, so I went for the 3rd print. And pulled a good chunk of the plate away in the process. What the hell? |
Morala sem jo z nožem postrgati s papirja. Grrrr. No, potem sem pač pladenj s ploščo vred vtaknila v pečico, da se je želatina segrela in spet razlezla. Ko se je strdila in ohladila, sem jo vtaknila še v hladilnik. In zdaj dela! Mogoče je pomagalo tudi to, da je majhen delček vode med segrevanjem izhlapel. Mogoče mora biti samo hladna. Glavno, da dela. In še prvi rezultati: | I had to scrape the jelly off with a knife. So. “#$” Remelted the plate, reset it. Asked for advice and the girls on fb were quite helpful, so I stuck it in the fridge for the night. Now it seems of a right consistency, let’s try again. Tadaaaa! |
Prva plast je, zdaj se mora posušiti, potem pa se zabava nadaljuje! | The 1st layers are drying, there’ll be more time to play after I do some … blah … chores. |