Theodore Sturgeon, More Than Human »The idiot lived in a black and gray world, puncuated by the white lightning of hunger and the nickering of fear. His clothes were old and many-windowed. Here peeped a shin-bone, sharp as a cold chisel, and there in the torn coat were ribs like the fingers of a fist. He was tall and flat. His eyes were calm and his face was dead. Men turned away from him, women would not look, children stopped and watched him. It did not seem to matter to the idiot.« Zgodba o šestih ljudeh s posebnimi sposobnostmi (telepatija etc), ki skupaj sestavljajo en organizem. Predvsem pa zgodba o tem, kako lahko tak organizem razvije vest in se začne obnašati etično. Napisano davnega leta 1953, a še vedno spada med klasike, ki jih je vredno večkrat prebrati. | |
The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume Two »The Thunderer hung in a balanced orbit while its officers examined the new world floating below. This was Eterna, second planet of a sun very much like Sol.« Zbirka 50 let starega esefa. Precej znanega (in dobrega), precej (meni) neznanega (in tudi dobrega). | |
Marvin Minsky, The Society of Mind »How do we ever understand anything? Almost always, I think, by using one or another kind of analogy – that is, by representing each new thing as though it resembles something we already know.« Knjiga, v kateri je Minsky prvič zapisal svojo teorijo o možganih kot skupku neodvesnih agentov. Fantastično branje. | |
Modern Masterpieces of Science Fiction »It was on the third day of August that Joe come off the assembly line, and on the fifth Laurine come into town, and that afternoon I saved civilization.« V naslovu piše sicer »moderna«, a knjiga je bila izdana pred 50 leti | |
Alien Shores: An Anthology of Australian Science Fiction »Above them is the City, majestic, buoyant as helium. Gravity drags at their limbs, more forceful than the Monastery’s, and their breathing begins to rasp. No doubt remains that this place has been a dwelling for men, or beings like men. The tiers of aching light had their purpose, and their function was their beauty.« Zbirka avstralske znanstvene fantastike iz raznih podžanrov. |
Berem: Cooking for Geeks, Resplendent
Kitty! What unusual books! I used to read a lot of Asimov and the Dune Trilogy and also Robert Heinlein. Do you know any of those? =)