30. december 2012

Novembrsko branje

The Cloud Atlas

David Mitchell, The Cloud Atlas

»I watched clouds awobbly from the floor o’ that kayak. Souls cross ages like clouds cross skies, an’ tho’ a cloud’s shape nor hue nor size don’t stay the same, it’s still a cloud an’ so is a soul. Who can say where the cloud’s blowed from or who the soul’ll be ’morrow? Only Sonmi the east an’ the west an’ the compass an’ the atlas, yay, only the atlas o’ clouds.«

Šest rahlo prepletenih zgodb iz šestih časovnih obdobij, o razvoju in padcu civilizacije, kot jo poznamo. Odlično branje, priporočam tudi vsem, ki ste si ogledali film.


The Mongoliad: Book Two

Neal Stephenson, Erik Bear, Bear Greg, Joseph Brassey, Nicole Galland, Cooper Moo and Mark Teppo, The Mongoliad: Book Two

»The battle had been another kind of flood, this one comprised of blood and disintegrating humanity. He could not recall all the logistics and the plans, the victorious sweep across the bridge, the later repulse and encirclement, the fleeing of selected units, followed by rains of stones, exploding pots, arrows. The screaming of the horses and men, confusion, escape, and then the endless press of the Mongols plowing into the roiling flocks of disheartened mercenaries, having already dispatched many of the main ranks of Teutonic Knights in their white riding coats emblazoned with black crosses—the flowing banners weaving back and forth through the slaughter, some ablaze, others leaning, vanishing to be trampled into the bloody muck as the standard bearers fell victim to an arrow or a saber.«

November je bil mesec trilogij, obdelal sem drugi del Mongoliade (skoraj tako odlično kot prvi, nestrpno čakam tretjega) …


The Last Policeman

Ben H. Winters, The Last Policeman

»Yes, the odds were extremely unlikely. A statistical unlikelihood approaching zero. But the strong unlikelihood of a given event is moot once that event has nevertheless transpired.«

… pa zgodbo o preiskavi umora na Zemlji, ki čaka na konec sveta; odlična je kot samostojna knjiga, pušča pa dovolj nezaključenih niti, da lahko pričakujemo zanimivo nadaljevanje …



Edward W. Robertson, Breakers, Melt Down

»In the city that prided itself, quite wrongly, on being the center of the universe, Walt Lawson moaned and carefully returned Vanessa's breakup letter to the drawer where she kept her theater tickets.«

… pa prva dva dela iz serije o Zemlji, na katero vesoljci izpustijo smrtonosen virus, potem pa se izkaže, da smo si ljudje najhujši sovražniki; tudi dobro, prav rad bom prebral še kakšno knjigo (sploh če jo bom dobil za 80 centov, kot sem plačal za ti dve) …



Julianna Baggott, Pure

»There were miniature displays with live actors in various wings, talking about what things were like before the Return of Civility. Each display was dedicated to a theme: before the impressive prison system was built, before difficult children were properly medicated, when feminism didn’t encourage femininity, when the media was hostile to government instead of working toward a greater good, before people with dangerous ideas were properly identified, back when government had to ask permission to protect its good citizens from the evils of the world and from the evils among us, before the gates had gone up around neighborhoods with buzzer systems and friendly men at gate-houses who knew everyone by name.«

… pa postkatastrofični Pure, v katerem manjša skupina ljudi živi v zaščiteni kupoli, okoli pa se potikajo preostanki človeške rase – ta bi bila čisto OK, če bi bila samostojna knjiga, od razvoja v trilogijo pa ne pričakujem kaj dosti …


The Name of the Wind

Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind

»The war was called the Creation War, and the empire was called Ergen. And despite the fact that the world has never seen an empire as grand or a war so terrible, both of them only live in stories now. Even history books that mentioned them as doubtful rumor have long since crumbled into dust.«

… za konec pa še odlični (prav res, ODLIČNI!) Rothfuss, z biografijo o Kvothu - alkimistu, čarovniku, bojevniku, glasbeniku in heroju. Zanimiva zgodba in fantastično pripovedništvo. Decembra sem »vdahnil« drugi del, zdaj pa nestrpno čakam tretjega, za katerega še nihče ne ve, kdaj bo dokončan. (Prvi del je Rothfuss pisal sedem let.) Trilogija, ki si zasluži prevod v slovenščino.


Berem: Modre cvetke, The Information, City of Lost Souls

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