31. december 2014

Tekaško leto

Pa končajmo to leto z objavo. Čisto premalo jih je bilo zadnje čase :(

Dobro se je teklo letos. Začel sem sicer leno, druga polovica je bila pa super, s po 100 pretečenimi kilometri na mesec.

We were not publishing much lately :( We’ll see if the next year will be better in this regard.

2014 was a good year for running. It started a bit slow, but in the second half I was doing around 70 - 100 km per month.


Šel sem na devet organiziranih tekov in sploh v drugi polovici leta so bili rezultati super – ljubljansko desetko sem spravil pod 0:55 (naslednje leto bomo probali iti pod 0:50), štanjelski tek pa sem spravil pod 6:00 na kilometer in rezultat izboljšal za skoraj 7 minut.

I’ve visited nine organized running events and – especially in the second half of the year – the results were great (at least for me ;). I’ve moved my 10 km time under 0:55 and my tempo on the hilly Štanjel run under 6:00.


Tudi naslednje leto bo veselo – začnemo že 21. februarja z 25 kilometri po Istri.

The next year will start early, with 25 km trail in Istria on February, 21st.

11. december 2014

Svet se pa vrti [315]


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