Današnja objava je namenjena tistim, ki se ukvarjate s scrapbookom, albumi, morda celo ustvarjalnimi dnevniki – jaz še vedno pridno polnim svojega in po kakšnem mesecu predaha tudi zagotovo nastane vsaj stran na teden, če ne dve. Na svojih straneh zapise ali risbice včasih uokvirim. Okvirje narišem, skonstruiram iz papirja, iz lepilnih in washi trakov, včasih pa poiščem kakšen brezplačen okvirček. Na to, da bi take okvirčke lahko naredila tudi sama, me je zadnjič spomnila sestra, ko sem ji kazala, na kako preprost način jih je naredila Julie, ki ima velikokrat odlične ideje. No, jaz sicer njenih printablov ne bom kupovala, tudi zato, ker so napisi v angleščini, še bolj pa zato, ker rada take stvari naredim sama. Želim si, da bi si včasih lahko privoščila kakšen komplet, ampak to se še kar ne bo zgodilo, financ v te namene ni ravno preobilo, res pa je tudi to, da pač delam dnevnik zase, ne delam scrapbookov, tako da v njem pretežno uporabljam res scrap, se pravi ostanke. In ves ta dolgi uvod le zato, da vam povem, da sem tokrat pripravila nekaj za vas: brezplačne polaroidne okvirčke iz mojih slikic. Če so vam všeč, jih lahko natisnete na navaden papir ali na šeleshamer, lahko izrežete okenca in jih uporabite kot paspartuje za otroške fotografije in naredite, kot reče temu moja sestra, “brag book” za stare starše, lahko jih uporabite kot dele kolaža … skratka, lahko jih uporabite, kot želite, prosim vas le, da mi v komentarju poveste, če jih boste prenesli na svoj računalnik. Pod vsako sličico se skriva PDF v katerem sta dva ali več okvirčkov. | Free printables! Todays post is for scrapbookers, album makers and art journalists. My art journals are filling slowly and after a month or so hiatus I’m enjoying the colorful pages again. I make a page or a spread a week and I’m happy with that. Sometimes I use frames on my pages. I draw them, paint them, construct them out of paper scraps, masking or washi tapes, or I search for a free frame. The other day my sister mentioned that I could make frames like that from my art postcards – I was showing her Julie’s, she’s full of great ideas. Well, I must admit I’m not going to buy her printables, mostly because they’re in English, but also because I like to do stuff like that by myself (I hope you don’t mind, Julie). I wish I could afford a kit now and then, but it’s not going to happen anytime soon, I just cannot afford them, but it’s also because I don’t make scrapbooks and I make my art journals for myself and I’m really partial about using scraps in it, or maybe stuff I can print on my home printer. So, why did you have to endure all this ramblings? Well, just to tell you that today I have some free printables for you – some polaroid frames, made from my art. If you like them, you can print them on regular paper or on construction paper, you can cut the windows out, use them to frame children photos and make a “brag book” for grandparents, you can use them as collage fodder … anyway you like, really, I only have one request, please let me know in the comments if you are going to download them. Only this. Every image links to a PDF with two or more “polaroid frames” |
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