Anne Fine, Dojenčki iz moke »“Kaj pa je?” je vprašal Gwyn. “Zakaj pa strmite vame?” “Ne moreš prepisati česar koli,” je prijazno pojasnil Robin Foster. “Imeti mora nekaj skupnega s teboj. Ti pa nisi črn.”« Nekega dne se v razredu samih zgub učitelj odloči, da bodo za projekt skrbeli za dojenčke iz moke … Priporočam. | |
![]() | Ben Nevis, Trije ??? – Polet smrti Ben Nevis je Nemec, ki štepa (že več kot 160 jih je) zgodbe o treh prijateljih pod krovno znamko ‘trije vprašaji’. Za mularijo, za prebrat in pozabit. |
Barbara Simoniti, Peter Škerl, Močvirniki »Nad Močvirno Loko se je dramil lep, oblačen dan. Oče Močeradnik je že ob zori odšel k starešini Vodovniku v Nabrežni gaber na drugem koncu Glogovega gaja. Vsako jutro sta se od tam odpravila na vremenarski pohod po vsej Močvirni Loki.« Domača, krasno ilustrirana knjiga o močvirnatem kotičku, kjer v slogi živijo razna dvoživkasta in plazilkasta bitja. Vsekakor za prebrat. | |
![]() | Neil Gaiman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane »‘That’s the moon,’ I said. ‘Gran likes it like that,’ said Lettie Hempstock. ‘But it was a crescent moon yesterday. And now it’s full. And it was raining. It is raining. But now it’s not.’ ‘Gran likes the full moon to shine on this side of the house. She says it’s restful, and it reminds her of when she was a girl,’ said Lettie. ‘And you don’t trip on the stairs.’« Gaiman je itak vedno za prebrat in ne razočara. Tudi ta zgodba o babici, materi in hčeri, ki so “prišle od daleč” in od katerih se najstarejša še spominja velikega poka, o ribniku, ki je v resnici ocean, pa o pošasti, ki se prešverca iz vilinskih koncev in noče nazaj, povedana skozi perspektivo mladega glavnega junaka, je naravnost odlična. |
![]() | Veronica Roth, Divergent, Insurgent »Somewhere inside me is a merciful, forgiving person. Somewhere there is a girl who tries to understand what people are going through, who accepts that people do evil things and that desperation leads them to darker places than they ever imagined. I swear she exists, and she hurts for the repentant boy I see in front of me. But if I saw her, I wouldn’t recognize her.« Tole sem prebral samo zato, ker so jo stalno nekaj omenjali okoli mene, pa, mnjah, no ja. Meh. Če se le da, preskočite. wiki |
Robert Galbraith, The Cuckoo's Calling »The dead could only speak through the mouths of those left behind, and through the signs they left scattered behind them. Strike had felt the living woman behind the words she had written to friends; he had heard her voice on a telephone held to his ear; but now, looking down on the last thing she had ever seen in her life, he felt strangely close to her. The truth was coming slowly into focus out of the mass of disconnected detail. What he lacked was proof.« Krimič avtorice Harryja Potterja, izdan pod psevdonimom. Prav prijetno branje. | |
![]() | Kris Saknussemm, Enigmatic Pilot: A Tall Tale Too True »After all, a comet had been spotted in recent times, and just the year before a dairy farmer in Gnadenhutten had found a cow pie in the shape of the Virgin Mary. Clearly, the world was working up to something decisive. So Hephaestus had turned the bulk of his attention to the problem of how to escape time and so shield his loved ones from doomsday.« Čuuuudna zgodba iz druge polovice 19. stoletja, o magiji, tajnih organizacijah in letenju. Večinoma prav fino branje, edino na koncu sploh nisem vedel, kaj naj si mislim o celi zadevi. |
![]() | Elizabeth Bear, Jacob’s Ladder (Dust, Chill, Grail) »"How is it you speak our language?" The rustling peaked. It seemed the orchid could talk and laugh at the same time, because it answered, "Television."« Generacijska vesoljska ladja, ki je komaj preživela nesrečo. Trilogija o nanotehnologiji, razkolu med kulturami in razmišljanju, do kam še ostanemo ljudje. Bearova ima dobre ideje, predvsem pa odlično piše. |
Edward W. Robertson, The Cutting Room »Our mantra is much like a doctor's: first, do no harm. Causality is a thing that can drive you mad. My very presence was changing the course of particles. A man driving down the street could glance my way, miss the red light, and plow down a child. Protocol insists on exhausting observational methods before attempting direct intervention.« Časovna policija, časovne zanke itd. Izšlo v šestih delih po dolar, potem pa še kot paketek, ki sestavlja prav luštno knjigo. |
Berem: Daybreak Zero
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