29. oktober 2013

Jesenski trojček [2]

No, pa smo prišli do drugega jesenskega teka – desetke v Ljubljani. Super je bilo, nič prevroče, ravno pravi tempo (5:47), čisto spodoben čas (0:58:53). Uradni rezultati pravijo, da sem bil 1504 od 2136 uvrščenih tekačev. Fino.

This weekend I was running 10 km on 18th Ljubljana marathon. Unlike two weeks ago I took a bit slower tempo and finished just under an hour. All in all, I am very satisfied with the run (it is great to run with 5000 other runners) and with my result.


Slik še ni, lahko pa si ogledate posnetek štarta. Mimo pritečem ob 5:16 (drugi z leve na spodnji sliki).

Photos are not available yet, but you can watch the start. You can see me at 5:16 (2nd from the left on the picture below).


25. oktober 2013

Svet se pa vrti [281]

Mini avtomobilčki pred resničnimi ozadji (mnogo slik).

www / vir
Stenske poslikave.

www / vir
Surprising Layers of Color Revealed on Urban Walls  street art
Lego lučka.

www / vir: K

www / vir

www / vir
Moth: A New Woodcut Print from Tugboat Printshop wood prints wood posters and prints moths illustration butterflies

www / vir
Cord Lamp by Form Us With Love
Ford Fiesta Transformer.

www / vir
hetain patel fiesta-transformer

www / vir
Pieke Bergmans: Wonderlamp (2010)
Naslikani! avtomobili.

www / vir
Cheryl Kelle paintings

www / vir
Slamnate zverine.


Barviti portreti.


20. oktober 2013

17. oktober 2013

Svet se pa vrti [280]

Lesene torbice.

www / vir
Wooden Bags by Tesler + Mendelovitch
Steampunk ure …

www / vir
… in huuuuda steampunk kavarna.

www / vir
Poslikana telesa.

Steklo in kamen.

www / vir
Glass and stone sculptures by Ramon Todo
Razrezani časopisi.

www / vir

www / vir

www / vir

www / vir
Fantastičen studio.

www / vir
An Old Metal Workshop Becomes A New Studio in interior design  Category

15. oktober 2013

Septembrsko branje

Hammered (Jenny Casey, #1)

Elizabeth Bear, Jenny Casey/Wetwired (Hammered, Scardown, Worldwired)

»“Jenny,” he says, and—having gotten to know a little bit about Richard Feynman in the past three weeks or so—I hear a world of history and the fates of war in that single word. “You and me, kid. We will find a better way to handle this.”«

Še ena Elizabethina trilogija – tokrat o nanotehnologiji in prvem stiku z vesoljci. Zanimivo in dobro napisano.


Pazuzu's Girl

Rachel Coles, Pazuzu’s Girl

»He held the bow and ran his fingers along its graceful curve. “Thanks. Do I tip you or something?” “You can leave an offering of food on my altar for me to eat. That might be nice. I haven’t had coffee in a while. The nice expensive stuff, but no pansy mocha-chino frappachino nonsense. Just coffee.”«

Nesmrtneži, demoni in najstnica – demonova hči. Se da prebrat.

Dancing with Bears

Michael Swanwick, Dancing with Bears

»The sky was low and dark with a thin line of vivid sunset squeezed between earth and clouds to the west. In addition, the winds were autumn-cold, and he hadn’t bothered to don a jacket before climbing out through an attic dormer window. But Arkady didn’t care. He had a bottle of Pushkin in one hand and a liquid anthology of world poetry in the other.«

Zgodba dveh prevarantov v post-katastrofični Rusiji. Zelo dobro.



Edward W. Robertson, Titans

»Past the scratched-up jet window, the gray screen of clouds went smeary. Below, cloud-blurred lakes, woods, and towns crawled along. I'd always liked flying, even when clearing layers of airport security had taken longer than the flight itself. The vibration of the plane and the turn of the earth helped me cope with the fact I was sitting next to a dopey Sphinx with no idea how the real world worked.«

Tudi Robertson je v svoje delo vpletel nesmrtnega zemljana, pa umetno inteligenco in še kaj, ukvarja se pa s poseljevanjem vesolja.


Joe Haldeman, Mars (Marsbound, Starbound, Earthbound)

»We did play around a bit in the weightless-gym area. Elspeth and I played catch with her little sister Davina, who obediently curled into a ball. Spinning her gave us all the giggles, but we had to stop before she got totally dizzy. She looked a little green as she unfolded, but I think was happy for the small adventure and the attention.«

Kaj se lahko zgodi z nami, če se bomo srečali s tehnološko napredno civilizacijo. Začne se prav luštno, potem pa zavije v tako depresijo, da je kar kriza.



David Brin, Existence

»Infiltrators came at dawn, out of the rising sun—several hundred little machines, skimming low on whispering gusts. Each one, resembling a native hummingbird, followed a carefully scouted path toward its target, landing behind some camera or sensor, in its blind spot. It then unfolded wings that transformed into holo-displays, depicting perfect false images of the same desert scene to the guardian lens, without even a suspicious flicker. «

Še en prvi stik, tokrat s sondami, ki prinašajo sporočilo “razmnožite in pošljite nas v milijon izvodih”. Odlično.


Directive 51 (Daybreak, #1)

John Barnes, Daybreak (Directive 51, Daybreak Zero)

»October 28th was a date that would be known everywhere, forever; bigger than July 4th or 14th or 20th, bigger than December 7th or even 25th. As 12:00 A.M., October 28th, entered at the Date Line, nothing had happened yet, though many thousands of people, millions of machines, and billions of messages and ideas were already moving. When 11:59 P.M., October 28th, exited through the other side of the Date Line, the world had just tipped and begun to fall over into its new shape.«

Pa še ena post-katastrofična, ta ima za temo umetno ustvarjeno nano-okužbo, ki uničuje elektroniko, plastiko in gorivo. S pričakovanjem čakam tretji del.


DMQZ Quinn Fleming, DMQZ

»In the most popular retelling, the one Hale heard told over and over again in the orphanage where he came of age, the outbreak began in a lab at MIT. On a normal afternoon, a young research assistant was moving an infected dormouse from one cage to another when it scurried from her gloves and up the bare skin beneath her lab coat sleeve. It was the first instance of cross-species contamination, and the only one needed. The lab assistant told no one until later that night, when the fever began.«

Post-katastrofičnih knjig dobiš danes deset za evro, zato je Quinn Fleming prvo knjigo iz svojega seriala (virus pobije 9/10 ljudi, redke neokužene komune se bojujejo proti preživelim, ki prenašajo bolezen) nekaj časa delil kar zastonj. Pisanje sicer včasih šepa in se splača brat čim hitreje, zgodba je pa dovolj zanimiva, da si bom ogledal tudi drugi del.

Berem: Fortunately, the milk

12. oktober 2013

Jesenski trojček [1]

Pa se je začel jesenski trojček. Danes tek Barje (dež, itak), čez dva tedna desetka v Ljubljani (glede na lanske izkušnje bo sneg, itak), čez še dva tedna pa še ena desetka, tokrat v Sežani (tam bo pa burja, itak).
Today I’ve run on the “traditional” (second year in the row for me) running event on the local marsh. Beautiful environment, but unluckily it was raining quite a lot.
2013-10-12 10.27.50
Barje je lepo, teči po njem tudi, pa čeprav nisi v formi in dežuje. Počasneje je šlo kot lani – očitno bo treba v Ljubljani bolj počasi zastavit. Letos treningi nekako niso prav stekli. Vseeno pa sem dosegel zastavljeni cilj – nisem bil zadnji ;)
Malo statistike in domača stran teka, kjer se bo čez čas pojavil slikovni material.
Results were nothing to be proud of, but I kinda expected that as I didn’t manage to train enough this year.
The recording of my run (speed, heartbeat etc) is here.

10. oktober 2013

Svet se pa vrti [279]

Bitka za Helmov brezen v 150.000 LEGO koščkih! Kliknite za več slik, se splača.

www / vir: ThinkGeek, Pižama

www / vir
Mylar Lamps Mimic Freshwater Jellyfish lighting jellyfish
Podmornica na milanskih ulicah (reklama).

www / vir
A Huge Submarine Bursts through the Streets of Milan submarines Milan installation advertising

www / vir
My Amp Goes To 11 Artist Submission: Sarah Rosado: Dirty Little Secrets 
Motivated by artwork using food, American photographer/illustrator Sarah Rosado began her ongoing project Dirty Little Secrets. Using dirt collected from local parks, Rosado creates 3D illustrations which are then photographed against a white background. 
* thanks to Sarah Rosado for contributing to this blog 

www / vir
Taree Sideboard by Terezie Simonova for E1+E4
Pogled na naš planet iz vesolja.

www / vir

Observing the Earth: Incredible Satellite Photos of Earth from the European Space Agency space Earth

Luči iz pihanega stekla.

www / vir

www / vir: K
Hand Cut Paper Microorganisms by Charles Clary  paper
Fotomodeli, oblečeni v mleko.


www / vir
Ai Weiweis Forever Bicycles Reconfigured Using 3,144 Bikes in Toronto Toronto installation bicycles

5. oktober 2013


Letos so s paradižniki sami problemi. Najprej je bilo premraz za sajenje, potem niso hoteli rasti, potem so obrodili in niso hoteli dozoreti, zdaj pa spet prihaja mraz, zelenih plodov je pa na rastlinah še na kupe.

This was not a good year for tomatoes. At first, it was too cold to plant them, then they didn’t want to grow, then they didn’t want to mature. Now it is almost winter again (3 deg. C in the morning) and the plants are still full of nice, big, green tomatoes :(

2013-10-03 14.20.52

V upanju na to, da bomo čez vikend splezali nazaj na deset (jutranjih) stopinj, smo jim v hiško postavili »talno ogrevanje« – star električni kalorifer. Zaenkrat je pomagalo.

Weather report says that we’ll be returning to more normal temperatures soon so for the time being the tomatoes got a  “floor heating” – an old electric heater which works over the night. So far, it helped.

4. oktober 2013

ECC 2013, Praga (01)

Prejšnji teden sem uživala v Pragi na letošnjem ECC-ju. Euro Clay Carnivalu. Bilo je perfektno. 80 ljudi, ki se ukvarja z nakitom, na kupu. In to je bila samo prva runda! Ko smo mi odšli, je organizatorke in učiteljice čakala še ena taka skupina.

Končala sem 3 izdelke, s katerimi sem prav nemarno zadovoljna.
Faux raku na faux leseni vejici s Sylvie Peraud. Obožujem njeno delo in njo tudi.

Uhane sem kupila od nje – nekaj si je treba privoščiti, ne?
Last week I enjoyed myself immensely in Prague on this year’s Euro Clay Carnival. It was superb! To pass the time working alongside 80 people that make jewelry … that’s an experience that gives you wings for more than a couple of months! And this was just the 1st round, when we left, the organizers (heroes, really!) and the teachers (loved them all, honestly!) were in for another round just like it.

I finished 3 pieces for now. I’m as happy as … the English metaphor eludes me. As a cat with a bowl of cream.
This was exactly up my alley, faux raku with a faux wooden branch and vines with Sylvie Peraud. I loooove her work. And her.
I bought the earrings from her. A girl has to indulge herself a bit, doesn’t she?


Drugi dokončan izdelek je obesek, ki smo ga delali pri Evi Haškovi. Celo uhane sem uspela začeti tam in silno upam, da bom imela ta vikend kljub koncertu toliko časa, da jih bom končala. Tudi ta obesek mi je strašansko všeč. Sem se pa pri enem ali dveh korakih postopka skoraj zataknila … This is the 2nd finished project, the one we made in Eva Haškova’s workshop. Lots of work, a couple of complicated steps, but the result is superb. I definitely will be trying different color combinations and forms. I even managed to start the earrings and I really hope to finish them this weekend despite of the Sunday evening charity concert our orchestra is taking part of.


In tretji izdelek so uhani z delavnice z Bettino Welker. Tudi če odmislimo postransko dejstvo, da imam zelo rada uhane, moram reči, da mi je tehnika neskončno všeč! In sploh so mi Bettinine stvari vedno všeč. And the last item for today, earrings from the workshop with Bettina Welker. Even if we don’t take into consideration that I love earrings, I have to admit, that I love this technique. It gives just the right amount of grunge to an otherwise polished look. Well, let’s just admit that I didn’t yet see a piece from Bettina that I didn’t like, shall we? That’s probably why I’m so excited to have her in Slovenia in November!


3. oktober 2013

Svet se pa vrti [278]

Hiša v knjigi.

www / vir
Vsakdanje življenje baletnikov.

www / vir: MK
Razvejana miza.

www / vir
Branching Table by Gradient Matter
9.000 padlih vojakov na normandijski obali.

www / vir
9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day WWII war sand Normandy installation
Čebele od blizu.

www / vir
Oglejte si notranjost CERNa.

www / vir
Moda v listih.

www / vir
Fashion in Leaves by Tang Chiew Ling plants leaves fashion
Zvezdno nebo v sobi.

www / vir
Starry Light by Anagraphic in home furnishings  Category
Ogromne zadrge.

www / vir
Tetovirane banane (ja, spet).

www / vir
Ortofoto in obleke.

www / vir
Deževni oblaki.

www / vir
Grumpy Rain Cloud
