4. oktober 2013

ECC 2013, Praga (01)

Prejšnji teden sem uživala v Pragi na letošnjem ECC-ju. Euro Clay Carnivalu. Bilo je perfektno. 80 ljudi, ki se ukvarja z nakitom, na kupu. In to je bila samo prva runda! Ko smo mi odšli, je organizatorke in učiteljice čakala še ena taka skupina.

Končala sem 3 izdelke, s katerimi sem prav nemarno zadovoljna.
Faux raku na faux leseni vejici s Sylvie Peraud. Obožujem njeno delo in njo tudi.

Uhane sem kupila od nje – nekaj si je treba privoščiti, ne?
Last week I enjoyed myself immensely in Prague on this year’s Euro Clay Carnival. It was superb! To pass the time working alongside 80 people that make jewelry … that’s an experience that gives you wings for more than a couple of months! And this was just the 1st round, when we left, the organizers (heroes, really!) and the teachers (loved them all, honestly!) were in for another round just like it.

I finished 3 pieces for now. I’m as happy as … the English metaphor eludes me. As a cat with a bowl of cream.
This was exactly up my alley, faux raku with a faux wooden branch and vines with Sylvie Peraud. I loooove her work. And her.
I bought the earrings from her. A girl has to indulge herself a bit, doesn’t she?


Drugi dokončan izdelek je obesek, ki smo ga delali pri Evi Haškovi. Celo uhane sem uspela začeti tam in silno upam, da bom imela ta vikend kljub koncertu toliko časa, da jih bom končala. Tudi ta obesek mi je strašansko všeč. Sem se pa pri enem ali dveh korakih postopka skoraj zataknila … This is the 2nd finished project, the one we made in Eva Haškova’s workshop. Lots of work, a couple of complicated steps, but the result is superb. I definitely will be trying different color combinations and forms. I even managed to start the earrings and I really hope to finish them this weekend despite of the Sunday evening charity concert our orchestra is taking part of.


In tretji izdelek so uhani z delavnice z Bettino Welker. Tudi če odmislimo postransko dejstvo, da imam zelo rada uhane, moram reči, da mi je tehnika neskončno všeč! In sploh so mi Bettinine stvari vedno všeč. And the last item for today, earrings from the workshop with Bettina Welker. Even if we don’t take into consideration that I love earrings, I have to admit, that I love this technique. It gives just the right amount of grunge to an otherwise polished look. Well, let’s just admit that I didn’t yet see a piece from Bettina that I didn’t like, shall we? That’s probably why I’m so excited to have her in Slovenia in November!


1 komentar:

  1. Super lepo! Komaj čakam, da vidim kaj od tega v živo! P.S. Čakam na drugi del - sem si zadala izziv, da bom v bližnji prihodnosti naredila približne "replike" teh vaših izdelkov, če že nisem mogla bit z vami in jih delat v Pragi! :)

