Ena stavba na 88 načinov. www / vir | |
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»3D« risbe. www / vir | |
Pa še ena lučka. www / vir | |
Jelenček iz lepilnega traku. www / vir | ![]() |
Pobarvana telesa. www / vir | ![]() |
Akvariji. www / vir | |
Kadi za ljudi in rože. www / vir | |
Samo telesa, nič barve. www / vir | ![]() |
Avto iz legic. Delujoč. www / vir: Šepi | |
Vesele praznike! www / vir | ![]() |
19. december 2013
Svet se pa vrti [287]
16. december 2013
Novembrsko branje
Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower »I started reading it when I got home, and to tell you the truth, I don’t know what the guy is talking about. I would never tell Bill this. Sam told me that William S. Burroughs wrote the book when he was on heroin and that I should “go with the flow.” So, I did. I still had no idea what he was talking about, so I went downstairs to watch television with my sister.« Še ena taka Greenovska zadeva, o mladostnikih in odraščanju. Samo da ni tako nesrečna kakor večina Greenov in se konča na pozitivni noti. Dobro napisano, zanimiva tema, prijetno branje. Moram pogledat film, ker nimam pojma, kako lahko po takšni knjigi, ki se večinoma dogaja v junakovi notranjosti, narediš film. | |
»And then the monster spoke. Conorja, ki mu mama umira za rakom, vsako noč ob 12:07 obišče pošast. Več pa ne bi pravil, tole spada v obvezno branje in si kar sami poglejte. Lahko v slovenskem prevodu. Zadeva je res fenomenalno dobra, bistveno boljša od Hrupa in kaosa, ak’ se mene pita. | |
»As she took her last conscious breath before sleep overtook her, the Queen wondered what would happen to her and her family if a Republican Government were to be elected: it was the Queen’s nightmare.« Nekega lepega dne v Angliji zmaga napačna stranka in odstavijo kraljico. Ne vem, ni mi bilo ne pretirano zanimivo, ne pretirano smešno. Prebral sem pa vseeno. | |
»Somewhere in Grahame Coats’s house, a grandfather clock chimed politely, twelve times. In London, it was midnight. In Florida it was seven in the evening. Either way, it was the witching hour.« O dveh sinovih starega boga, ki se je odločil, da bo nekaj časa preživel mrtev. Odličen uvod k Ameriškim bogovom (ki so, mimogrede, pred kratkim izšli tudi v odličnem slovenskem prevodu). | |
Jim C. Hines, Libriomancer, Codex Born »“My name is Isaac Vainio,” I said. “You smashed my library. Prepare to die.” Everything went better with Princess Bride references.« O čarovnikih, ki lahko iz knjig potegnejo poljubne predmete. Prijetno, zabavno. Verjetno lahko pričakujemo še kakšno knjigo v seriji. | |
Terry Pratchett, Raising Steam »It wasn’t about the money. It had never been about the money. Even when it was about the money, it wasn’t entirely about the money. Well, it was slightly about the money, but most of all it was about what the dwarfs called the craic. The sheer pleasure about what you were doing and where you were doing it. He could feel the future catching him up. He could see it beckoning.« 40. knjiga o ploščatem svetu, v kateri na Plošči začnejo voziti vlaki na paro. Dobra, manjka pa tisti stari Pratchettov odrezavi humor. Za stvari, ki bi jih včasih razrešil v nekaj vrsticah dialoga, zdaj porabi pol strani razmišljanja ene osebe. Pratchett se počasi poslavlja od svojega sveta in je v to, morda zadnjo knjigo vtaknil cele kupe kameo likov, ki se pojavijo samo z nekaj vrsticami. | |
Simon Singh, The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets »Frustrated and desperate, Frink eventually calls out: “Scientists . . . Scientists, please! I’m looking for some order. Some order, please, with the eyes forward . . . and the hands neatly folded . . . and the paying of attention . . . Pi is exactly three!”« Singh piše fine knjige za popularizacijo znanosti (na primer Knjigo šifer) in tudi ta sprehod skozi svet Simpsonovih in Futuramo ni slab. Zanimivo, koliko matematičnih geekov piše scenarije za ti dve seriji. | |
Scott Lynch, The Republic of Thieves »PLACE TEN DOZEN hungry orphan thieves in a dank burrow of vaults and tunnels beneath what used to be a graveyard, put them under the supervision of one partly crippled old man, and you will soon find that governing them becomes a delicate business.« Končno, končno, končno je Lynch spravil skupaj tretjo knjigo (šest let smo jo čakali!). Dobra, meni celo boljša od prvih dveh. Nadaljujejo zgodbo o Lockeju Lamori, ter jo prepleta z zgodbami iz Lockejeve mladosti, v katerih končno spoznamo nekaj več o njemu. Serija niti približno še ni zaključena, kdaj bo pa izšla naslednja knjiga, pa seveda nihče ne ve. |
Berem: Sprouts of Wrath
12. december 2013
11. december 2013
Inro in škatlice
Spomnila sem se, da sploh še nisem pokazala svojih inro-obeskov. To so obeski, ki so hkrati tudi škatlice in izhajajo iz Japonske: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inro Najprej je nastala usnjeno-srebrna steampunk različica, potem pa sem (tudi zaradi delavnice, ki smo jo pri IMU pripravile na to temo) kombinirala še druge “fejk” tehnike. | I remembered I never showed my inros. And a box just because. |
Oglejte si tudi poročilo z delavnice! Klik | I held a class for making them, you can check the report here: Click |
9. december 2013
Oktobrsko branje
Neil Gaiman, Fortunately, the Milk »“Do not, whatever else you might do,” said the professor, “touch those two stones together.” “Why not?” “Because, according to my calculations, if the same object from two different times touches itself, one of two things will happen. Either the Universe will cease to exist. Or three remarkable dwarfs will dance through the streets with flowerpots on their heads.”« Očka je šel po mleko, padel v časovno luknjo, prepotoval z znanstvenikom dinozavrom čas naprej in nazaj … in še vedno otrokom prinesel mleko. Fenomenalno dobro, enkrat naslednje leto jo dobimo v slovenščini. Do takrat lahko uživate v ameriški ali angleški različici, ki sta sicer enaki, a imata ilustracije različnih avtorjev. wiki | |
Jo Nesbo, Prdoprašek doktorja Proktorja »Ko so bile njene veke spet na svojem mestu, je najprej ugotovila, da so ptički nehali peti. Potem je odkrila doktorja Proktorja, ki je z zbeganim izrazom na obrazu sedel v travi, listi s hruške pa so okoli njega padali, kot da bi nenadoma prišla jesen. Ampak Bulleja ni videla. Pogledala je na desno, na levo in nazaj. Končno je pogledala gor. Ampak Bulleja ni bilo nikjer.« Nesboja pri nas poznamo predvsem po dokaj surovih kriminalkah (Taščica …), piše pa tudi odlične, malo dalovske zgodbe za otroke. Upam, da bomo še kakšno dobili v prevodu. | |
![]() | Uwe Timm, Dirkalni pujs Rudi Rilec »Ko sva s sestro popoldne prišla iz šole, smo otroci postavljali prašičjo uto. Jaz sem si od našega zelenjavarja priskrbel tri zaboje. Razstavil sem jih na deščice, te pa sem nato znova zbil skupaj: tri stranske stene in pravcato sedlasto streho.« Mestna družina dobi pujsa. Luštno, za osnovno šolo. |
![]() | »Rik ni še nikoli videl česa podobnega. Popraskal se je po glavi in dvignil nos. V svetu ljudi se je dogajalo malo preveč čudnih stvari. Brž ko so otroci izginili v temi ceste, ki je vodila na hrib, se je Rik vrnil v sod. Do zore je manjkalo še nekaj ur. “Še dobro, da nisem človek,” je pomislil, globoko zavzdihnil in zaspal.« O živalih in ljudeh in uničevanju narave. Napisano pa tako čudno – mal |
Catherynne M. Valente, The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two »September looked down and leftward as best she could. She could see the dancing bears, the ringmaster blowing peonies out of her mouth like fire, an elephant floating in the air, her trunk raised, her feet in mid-foxtrot—and all of them paper. The skin of the bears was all folded envelopes; they stared out of sealing-wax eyes. The ringmaster wore a suit of birthday invitations dazzling with balloons and cakes and purple-foil presents; her face was a telegram. Even the elephant seemed to be made up of cast-off letterheads from some far-off office, thick and creamy and stamped with sure, bold letters. A long, sweeping trapeze swung out before them. Two acrobats held on, one made of grocery lists, the other of legal opinions. September could see Latin on the one and lemons, ice, bread (not rye!), and lamb chops on the other in a cursive hand. When they let go of the trapeze-bar, they turned identical flips in the air and folded out into paper airplanes, gliding in circles all the way back down to the peony-littered ring. September gasped and clapped her hands—but the acrobats were already long behind them, bowing and catching paper roses in their paper teeth.« Tretja knjiga iz cikla o vilinski deželi, spet napisana tako krasno kot prvi dve. Vsebinsko sicer zaostaja za prvo, vseeno pa gre za krasno branje. | |
John Green, Looking for Alaska »“So this guy,” I said, standing in the doorway of the living room. “François Rabelais. He was this poet. And his last words were ‘I go to seek a Great Perhaps.’ That’s why I’m going. So I don’t have to wait until I die to start seeking a Great Perhaps.”« Cel set Greenov sem prebral, pa jih ne bom opisoval. Vsi so o odraščanju, vsi so vredni branja. Preberite jih! | |
John Green, An Abundance of Katherines »The morning after noted child prodigy Colin Singleton graduated from high school and got dumped for the nineteenth time by a girl named Katherine, he took a bath.« | |
John Green, Will Grayson, Will Grayson »we are on a street corner in front of a porn shop. there are people passing by. chicagoans - you can’t be less musical than chicagoans. i am in a completely demolished state. my mind is having a heart attack. the last thing i need is for the fat lady to sing. but do i protest? do i decide to live the rest of my life within the subway system, feeding off the rats? no. i just nod dumbly, because he wants to sing this song so badly that i’d feel like a jerk to say no.« | |
John Green, The Fault in Our Stars »Whenever you read a cancer booklet or website or whatever, they always list depression among the side effects of cancer. But, in fact, depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side effect of dying.« Krive so zvezde | |
»“Interesting capitalization,” I said. “Yeah. I’m a big believer in random capitalization. The rules of capitalization are so unfair to words in the middle.”« |
8. december 2013
7. december 2013
Prvič na Lukovec
Takole so vabili na tek: »9 km – višinska razlika 120 m. Rahlo vzpenja my … Prav ornk klanec je na koncu teh dveh kilometrov. Pa tistih 120 metrov je tak iluzorni približek – 120 metrov je višinske med štartno točko in Lukovcem. Potem gre pa proga dalje po Bajagino – gore dole (gore dole), gore dole itd in nabere še 50 višinskih metrov vzponov. Kljub temu pa – super je bilo. Samo pet stopinj, ampak zaradi toplega sonca je bil tek čisto prijeten; sploh se ni bilo treba zavijat v tri sloje oblek in rokavičke in kapo in … Edino na povratku se je za minuto sonce skrilo za oblak in takrat je bilo svinjsko mraz. Tomaž in Mojca sta bila tam (s pesi), pa Pika (s familijo), drugih pa nisem poznal. Proga je krasna, ampak strma; štiri klance sem moral prehodit. Pod 6 min/km zato ni šlo, pod eno uro sem pa prišel. Razgled tip top, teren odličen, svež zrak itd itd. Naslednje leto pridem spet s ciljem preteči vse klance. | It was a day for an organized running – probably the last in 2013 – 9 km in vicinity of the beautiful village of Štanjel (see the last photo below). This was the 14. occurrence of this event but the first time for me. Weather was cold (around 5 degrees C) but sunny – just great for an autumn/winter run. The track was quite demanding, all up- and downhill, starting with a 2 km uphill with 120 m height difference so there’s no surprise that this was not one of my faster runs. Pictures are below, for running statistics click here. |