Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower »I started reading it when I got home, and to tell you the truth, I don’t know what the guy is talking about. I would never tell Bill this. Sam told me that William S. Burroughs wrote the book when he was on heroin and that I should “go with the flow.” So, I did. I still had no idea what he was talking about, so I went downstairs to watch television with my sister.« Še ena taka Greenovska zadeva, o mladostnikih in odraščanju. Samo da ni tako nesrečna kakor večina Greenov in se konča na pozitivni noti. Dobro napisano, zanimiva tema, prijetno branje. Moram pogledat film, ker nimam pojma, kako lahko po takšni knjigi, ki se večinoma dogaja v junakovi notranjosti, narediš film. | |
»And then the monster spoke. Conorja, ki mu mama umira za rakom, vsako noč ob 12:07 obišče pošast. Več pa ne bi pravil, tole spada v obvezno branje in si kar sami poglejte. Lahko v slovenskem prevodu. Zadeva je res fenomenalno dobra, bistveno boljša od Hrupa in kaosa, ak’ se mene pita. | |
»As she took her last conscious breath before sleep overtook her, the Queen wondered what would happen to her and her family if a Republican Government were to be elected: it was the Queen’s nightmare.« Nekega lepega dne v Angliji zmaga napačna stranka in odstavijo kraljico. Ne vem, ni mi bilo ne pretirano zanimivo, ne pretirano smešno. Prebral sem pa vseeno. | |
»Somewhere in Grahame Coats’s house, a grandfather clock chimed politely, twelve times. In London, it was midnight. In Florida it was seven in the evening. Either way, it was the witching hour.« O dveh sinovih starega boga, ki se je odločil, da bo nekaj časa preživel mrtev. Odličen uvod k Ameriškim bogovom (ki so, mimogrede, pred kratkim izšli tudi v odličnem slovenskem prevodu). | |
Jim C. Hines, Libriomancer, Codex Born »“My name is Isaac Vainio,” I said. “You smashed my library. Prepare to die.” Everything went better with Princess Bride references.« O čarovnikih, ki lahko iz knjig potegnejo poljubne predmete. Prijetno, zabavno. Verjetno lahko pričakujemo še kakšno knjigo v seriji. | |
Terry Pratchett, Raising Steam »It wasn’t about the money. It had never been about the money. Even when it was about the money, it wasn’t entirely about the money. Well, it was slightly about the money, but most of all it was about what the dwarfs called the craic. The sheer pleasure about what you were doing and where you were doing it. He could feel the future catching him up. He could see it beckoning.« 40. knjiga o ploščatem svetu, v kateri na Plošči začnejo voziti vlaki na paro. Dobra, manjka pa tisti stari Pratchettov odrezavi humor. Za stvari, ki bi jih včasih razrešil v nekaj vrsticah dialoga, zdaj porabi pol strani razmišljanja ene osebe. Pratchett se počasi poslavlja od svojega sveta in je v to, morda zadnjo knjigo vtaknil cele kupe kameo likov, ki se pojavijo samo z nekaj vrsticami. | |
Simon Singh, The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets »Frustrated and desperate, Frink eventually calls out: “Scientists . . . Scientists, please! I’m looking for some order. Some order, please, with the eyes forward . . . and the hands neatly folded . . . and the paying of attention . . . Pi is exactly three!”« Singh piše fine knjige za popularizacijo znanosti (na primer Knjigo šifer) in tudi ta sprehod skozi svet Simpsonovih in Futuramo ni slab. Zanimivo, koliko matematičnih geekov piše scenarije za ti dve seriji. | |
Scott Lynch, The Republic of Thieves »PLACE TEN DOZEN hungry orphan thieves in a dank burrow of vaults and tunnels beneath what used to be a graveyard, put them under the supervision of one partly crippled old man, and you will soon find that governing them becomes a delicate business.« Končno, končno, končno je Lynch spravil skupaj tretjo knjigo (šest let smo jo čakali!). Dobra, meni celo boljša od prvih dveh. Nadaljujejo zgodbo o Lockeju Lamori, ter jo prepleta z zgodbami iz Lockejeve mladosti, v katerih končno spoznamo nekaj več o njemu. Serija niti približno še ni zaključena, kdaj bo pa izšla naslednja knjiga, pa seveda nihče ne ve. |
Berem: Sprouts of Wrath
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