15. april 2015

Na mizi v sredo (On my desk on Wednesday)

Ne bom spet ponavljala, da moram bolj redno objavljati na blogu, te lajne smo že vsi siti. Bom pa zato uvedla par rednih rubrik. Prva bo klasična Na moji mizi v sredo. Trenutno uporabljam tri mize. Tretja je v razsulu, ki mu ne moremo več reči ustvarjalni nered, zato je ne bom kazala. Na prvi so tehnična navodila: I’m not saying again that I should be a more diligent blogger, we’re all tired of that mantra. I’m just introducing a couple of regular post-types. The first one is a classic, On my desk on Wednesday. Currently I’m using three desks. The 3rd one is a proper mess and not even a creative mess anymore, so no photos of that one. On the 1st one there’s a technical manual that needs to be translated by the end of today.


Na drugi je moj umetniški dnevnik z nekaj stranmi, ki nastajajo po korakih: On the 2nd one there’s my AJ that with some work in progress. I’m trying to give it some TLC when I need a short break from the looming deadly lion (deadline).


Na tej isti mizi so tudi doma narejene šablone. Take bolj začasne, ampak zagotovo bodo trajale, dokler se jih ne naveličam. On the same table there are some homemade stencils. They are temporary, but they will for sure last till I get bored with them. I didn’t think of taking a pic before I used them, sorry!


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