Omenil sem že, da sem v paketu zgodnjih novoletnih daril dobil tudi Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5. Dva dni sem ga pridno preizkušal v slabih svetlobnih pogojih na eni programerski konferenci in rečem lahko samo – matr, kakšen odličen fotoaparat! Pozor – ob kliku na spodnje slike se bo odprl posnetek v originalni velikosti (tipično okoli 3700 x 2500 pik), velik kakih 5 MB. | I have already mentioned that I’ve found a Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5 camera in my early Christmas package. Last two days I was testing it in pretty bad lightning conditions (indoors, mixed daylight and artificial light) and I can say only one thing – what a great camera! Be warned – linked to images below are original 5MB pictures (approx 3700 x 2500 pixes). |
Hotelska soba. 1/25 sec, f/2,0, ISO 400. Belina je malce mimo – kljub večeru zunaj ni bilo tako modro – a vseeno zelo dobra. | Hotel room. 1/25 sec, f/2.0, ISO 400. White balance is slightly off (it was late in the evening but the outside world was definitely not that blue). |
Detajl iz zgornje slike. Šuma je kar nekaj, ampak je tak lep, »analogen« in se ga da zelo lepo odpraviti. Če ga pustiš, pa tudi ne moti kaj dosti. | A detail from the above image. Quite some noise can be seen but it has an “analog” feel and doesn’t hurt the picture. It can be reduced quite easily with a noise-removal tool |
Nogometaši med treningom v nalivu. Posneto s fotoaparatom, naslonjenim na okensko polico. 1/5 sec, f/3,3, ISO 800. V resnici zelo šumeče, a zlomka – na tej sliki se vidi igrišče bistveno bolje, kot sem ga videl s prostim očesom. | Footballers training in heavy rain. Camera was supported by the window frame. 1/5 sec, f/3.3, ISO 800. Quite noisy but you can actually see more detail on this picture than I could with my naked eye. |
Posneto na večerji. Umetna luč, posneto iz roke, seveda brez bliskavice. 1/25 sec, f/2,0, ISO 100. Super slika, zelo dobra belina, edino obrazi so malce roza, a to bi se dalo zelo dobro popraviti. | Dinner time. Artificial light only and white balance, picture taken without any support. 1/25 sec, f/2.0, ISO 100. Great photo, very good white balance except that faces are slightly pink. |
Tudi pod umetno lučjo, a drugačno. Belino sem popravil ročno, ker jo je avtomatika popolnoma zgrešila, nastavitev za umetno svetlobo pa tudi. 1/20 sec, f/2,0, ISO 400. | Another artificial light photo. This time the automatic white balance got it all wrong and the “tungsten” setting didn’t help either so I had to manually correct the whites. 1/20 sec, f/2.0, ISO 400. |
Midva imava LX3 - sva tudi precej navdušena :-)