Spet je torek, sama sedim v pisarni, gledam sivo vreme in prevajam varnostni list. Kakšen dolgčas, kaj? Sem se pa že sinoči spomnila, da je danes čas za torkovo objavo in da se mi bo ta teden morda katera le pridružila – kdo bi vedel, morda se vam zadeve doma umirjajo ali pa potrebujete malo zabavnega dnevnikovanja, morda kvačkanja ali slikanja, da se sprostite od službenega stresa. Ne veste, kako bi začele? Kaj bi naredile? Pustite mi komentar, pišite mi, z veseljem pomagam čez začetno zadrego. Potrebujete temo? Odprite slovar ali katero koli drugo knjigo, preletite jo in naslikajte nekaj, kar je povezano s prvo besedo, ki vam pade v oči. Potrebujete citat? Tukaj jih je malo morje. Potrebujete čas? Sori, ne morem pomagati. Lahko vam povem, da boste, če si vzamete od danes dalje vsak večer 10-15 minut čisto in samo zase, imele v ponedeljek narejenih kup stvari. Pa čeprav se boste cel konec tedna ukvarjale s pustnimi maskami za otroke. Ali se mi v soboto morda pridružile na Vrhniki na delavnici izdelave nakita iz polimerne mase (fima, ja). Moja prva tokratna stran ima podlago iz akrilov, ker sem pod vtisom delavnice transferja na polimerno maso hotela po dolgem času narediti transfer na papir. Brez akrilne podlage osnova tega ne bi prenesla. Malo kolaža in najdene besede, štampiljke in konec. | It’s Tuesday again, I’m alone in my office, the weather is absent (read: grey) and I’m translating a Material safety data sheet. Boring, huh? But yesterday night I remembered my promise, I’m posting the WOT (my worktable on Tuesday) and maybe somebody will join me in my efforts of making a Tuesday (or week) a bit brighter and colorful. Who knows, maybe you’re in a lull, maybe you need a stress relieve from work and some colors in your AJ, maybe some crocheting or painting … Not sure how to start? What to do? Leave me a comment, a mail, I’ll be happy to cross the 1st bridge with you. Need a theme? Open a dictionary or any other book, scan a page and paint the 1st thing that comes to your mind when your eyes find an interesting word. Need a saying? There’s a bunch here. Need time? Sorry, can’t help you there. I can promise that if you take 10-15 minutes a day every night this week, on Monday you’ll have a bunch of stuff accomplished. Maybe not finished, but who cares. There will be a next week. I started my 1st page with an acrylics base because it’s been a while since I did a transfer and I wanted one. Some collage and found poetry, stamps and color and all done. |
Naslednje strani so se začele z besedilom. Na drugi sem slikarije oblikovala glede na rek in na izbrani “polaroidni” okvir. Uporabila sem svoje lastne štampiljke – eno staro iz radirke in eno novo iz speedball carving bloka. Tretja je nastala, ker je imel malček za nalogo pesmico po vzoru “Breza breza tenkolasa”. Vem, da kolibri ne leti na vrtnice, a sem kljub temu štampiljko, izrezljano iz linoleja, odtisnila na vzorčast papir in ga prilepila. In metulj je nastal kar tako, ker sem imela v Marujčku vlepljen samolepilni listek z rekom. | The other pages from this week came to life based on words. On the 2nd page I used a “polaroid frame” I made and 2 stamps I carved. One from an eraser and a new one form speedball carving block. I got the idea for the 3rd page when my 10yo boy came to show me a poem he wrote for his homework. This is the text: Rose, o rose with sharp thorns, who sharpens your thorns? Is it the knives, is it the sharpener, or is it the wicked stepmother? It’s not the knives, it’s not the sharpener, it’s not the wicked stepmother, it was the earth, as soon as I sprouted from the seed. And the 4th page came to life just because on that page before there was a post it note with the saying: If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies. |
Torej, če želite, kliknite spodaj in vnesite povezavo do svoje objave s tistim, s čimer se ukvarjate – ta teden, do torka, po želji. Tako da bodo naši torki lepši in bolj pisani. | So, if you wish to join me in my quest of making Tuesdays more fun, enter the link to your worktable on Tuesday below in the linky tool and we’ll have fun together! |
OdgovoriIzbrišiNo jaz pa ta vikend nekako pričakujem da bo izdelano nekaj. Prejšnjega sem bila odsotna.
Nastavljeno je že, samo potrebujem še 1h miru in vem, da bom v soboto ga imela.
Pa še malo si moram ogledati za ta gesso oz. nekaj v tem smislu, za podlago in strukturo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiA ob torkih "moramo" dnevnike delat al karkoli in o tem kaj napisat? :) Rabim eno brco v rit, da začnem malo migat, mogoče bi bili torki za začetek ok :)
Super, Alexandra, komaj čakam, da kaj vidim :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiRoberta, morate! ;) Lahko pa delaš tudi cel teden čist po malem, pa se spomniš objavit v ponedeljek zvečer ali v torek zjutraj še link pri meni.
Thanks so much -- do you have email notification for your blog?
OdgovoriIzbrišiTY -- I didn't find that text here on your blog except for here on the comments. I was looking for a way to be notified via email when you have a new post here. I like what you're doing :)
OdgovoriIzbrišire: my pages... yeah. pretty busy. White space and I rarely get along :) LOL
Thx again!
Susan, that's what RRS is for. I found the widget for e-mail subscriptions and inserted the form on the right under the Archives :)