30. marec 2010

Marčno branje

Mister Monday

Garth Nix, Mister Monday

»The first and least of the fragments was fused inside the single clear crystal, harder than diamond. The the crystal was encased in a box of unbreakable glass. The box was locked inside a cage of silver and malachite, and the cage was fixed in place on the surface of a dead sun at the very end of Time.«

Arhitektka, ki je iz Niča ustvarila Hišo in Sekundarne svetove, se je odločila zapustiti sceno in je za sabo pustila le Oporoko ter sedem Izvrševalcev. Ti pa so se raje odločili Hišo razdeliti na sedem delov, Oporoko pa tudi. Arthur Penhaligon (yep, namigovanje na kralja Pendragona), astmatični fant, ki je bil slučajno potegnjen v dogajanje, mora rešiti Oporoko in obraniti Hišo pred Ničem. Tako nekako. Razbito na sedem knjig. Yep, polno krščanske mistike, ampak o tem si več preberite na Wikipedii.

Garth Nix je najbolj znan po seriji Staro kraljestvo (Sabriel – prevedena tudi v slovenščino, Lirael in Abhorsen), ki mi je strašno všeč. Zato sem se spravil brati Mister Monday in po nekaj deset straneh mi je zadeva dišala tako strašno po krščanstvu, da sem jo skoraj odložil. No, pa jo nisem in še sreča, ker je štorija prav fino napisana, od vere pa so ohranjeni pretežno etični deli, s katerimi nimam problemov.

Naslednjih šest vnosov spada v isto štorijo, vsebine posameznih knjig pa bolj natančno ne bom opisoval.


Grim Tuesday

Garth Nix, Grim Tuesday

»The blood-read, spike-covered locomotive vented steam in angry blasts as it wound up from the very depths of the Pit. Black smoke billowed through the steam, coal smoke that was laced with deadly particles of Nothing from the deep mines far below.«


Drowned Wednesday

Garth Nix, Drowned Wednesday

»At first it looked like a golden, winged shark, all sleek motion and a fearsome, toothy maw. But as it circled, it shrank. Its cigar-shaped body bulged and changed, and the golden sheen ebbed away before other advancing colors. It became roughly human-shaped, though still with golden wings. Then, as its wings stopped flapping and it stepped the final foot down to the deck, it assumed the shape of a very beautiful women, though even the ship’s boy knew she var really a Denizen of high rank.«


Sir Thursday

Garth Nix, Sir Thursday

»Looking over the rim of her special glasses, she didn’t just see the white bulk of the hospital’s three towers, all concrete and glass, about a mile and a half away. She could also see another building, hovering in the air directly above the hospital. A vast, crazy building of weird turrets and towers, houses and halls, outbuildings, underbuildings, overbuildings, and battlements.«



Lady Friday

Garth Nix, Lady Friday

»The current of textually charged water propelled the vessel, Arthir saw, because the raft was entirely covered in writing of various kinds and was in fact made up entirely of House records. In this case, hundreds or perhaps thousands of bundles of papyrus tied together with ribbon that was itself printer on, the raft then given greater structural strength by the addition of bracing struts that we long, thin planks covered in something that must be writing, though to Arthur it looked more like random woodworm trails.«


Superior Saturday

Garth Nix, Superior Saturday

»Saturday grimaced, an ugly look on her otherwise extraordinarily beautiful face. For ten thousand years she had been building her tower in order to reach and invade the Incomparable Gardens. Yet no matter how high she built, the Gardens moved further away, and Lord Sunday taunted her by making sure she was the only one to see it.«


Lord Saturday Garth Nix, Lord Sunday

»Below him was a patchwork of hundreds or possibly thousands of different gardens, all separated by corridors of tall green hedges like the one in which he had been ambushed. There were gardens that were small and green and tidy; gardens of russet and tan that sprawled across many acres; there were deserts and low rolling hills and swamps, and even several beaches that bordered portions of ocean no more than a hundred yards long and wide.«

Garbage Collection

Richard Jones & Rafael Lins, Garbage Collection: Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management

»Neither Dijkstra nor Kung and Song pay any attention to how the user stack should be treated. Dijkstra ducks the issue, by stating “shade all the roots”. Kung and Song simply insert roots one at a time into the collector end of a double-ended marking queue at the start of each collection cycle.«

Ker se je treba izobraževat. In ker »zbiranje odpadkov« (matr, sploh še nimamo primernega prevoda!) prodira v vse pore programiranja.

Morske pošasti in druge poslastice

The Beastly Boys, Morske pošasti in druge poslastice

»Ulf je odpiral skrinjo za skrinjo in nato škatlo za šktalo. Našel je borovničasto glavo turobradavičarja, vloženo čudobotnico v steklenem akvariju in nagačeno gorgono z nogami, pribitimi na leseno desko. Njene oči so prazno strmele vanj.«

Nadaljevanje Strašnih zverinskih zadev z istimi pozitivci, istimi negativci, istimi avtorji in istim prevajalcem, ki je spet odlično poskrbel za – drugo – zgodbo. Vse pak ne more biti isto, ne? Še vedno predvsem za bralce, stare okoli deset let (ali nekajkrat toliko, seveda).

wiki / www

Soulless Gail Carriger, Soulless

»The carriage included a crank-operated water-boiling canteen for tea on-the-go, a long-disance monocular optical viewing device for the better appreciation of scenery, and even a small steam engine linked to a complex hydraulic system the purpose of which Alexia could not begin to fathom.«

Roman o vampirjih, volkodlakih in sončnikih, piše v podnaslovu. A so sončniki v knjigi zelo slabo izrabljeni :( Kao steampunk zadevščina, ampak v resnici gre bolj za ženski romantični roman, v katerem se pojavi množica vampirjev in volkodlakov, da se fantje lažje pregrizemo skozi. Še dve knjigi bosta izšli - Changeless in Blameless.

Gail Carriger

J. Chris Anderson, Jan Lehnardt & Noah Slater, CouchDB

»CouchDB’s design borrows heavily from web architecture and the lessons learned deploying massively distributed systems on that architecture.«

Še malo izobraževanja, tokrat na temo podatkovne baze CouchDB. Knjiga je brezplačna, z veseljem pa vam prodajo papirnato ali e-knjižno različico.

Across The Wall

Garth Nix, Across The Wall

»Kilman kept his nose perpendicular to the window. Looking for camels, but also seeing the deep blue-gray-green of the sea suddenly meeting the blue sheen of ice; the picturesque fishing village nestled at the apex of a triangular bay; the orange and lemon orchards rising up the terraced slopes. All of it safely maintained by the Summer Field that made this oasis possible amid the vast sea of ice that had sprung millennia ago as the result of a misguided application of a Winter Field. The ancient savants who had invented both were successful at starting the fields and phenomenally unsuccessful at turning them off.«

Ko sem pisal o Nixovi seriji Staro kraljestvo (omenjeno v čisto prvem zapisu zgoraj), sem ugotovil, da še nisem prebral knjige Across The Wall. Zbirka zgodbic iz njegovih raznih ustvarjalnih obdobij, od katerih je le prva povezana s Starim kraljestvom. Nič hudega, večina zgodb je odličnih. Priporočam.

Trenutno berem: The Road. Pa še nekaj časa jo bom, ker ne zdržim dosti. Depresija (© Niet), turoba, down down baby down šubi dubi down. Ampak kaj, ko je odlična knjiga. Bo treba zdržat.

26. marec 2010

Art raglednica (4)

Moja naslednja razglednica je namenjena Tanči in upam, da bom prav kmalu tukaj lahko pokazala tudi njeno. Ker je bila zraven, ko je nastajala, jo kar pokažem. V živo je malček bolj živahna in izrazita, ampak v temle dežju so barve bolj tkotko … My next postcard is for my sister and I hope that I’ll be able to show hers here soon as well. I finished the one for Lori as well, but I will only show it when she gets it, of course.

LL razglednica 04

25. marec 2010

Svet se pa vrti [102]

Lasersko zrezane vinilke.

LP Laser-cutting
Ropotuljica. Minimalizem po mojem okusu.

www / vir
Natural Wood Egg Rattle
V delu za Šangajsko Svetovno razstavo 2010 – Semenska katedrala. Zgradba, oblečena v 60.000 palic, od katerih ima vsaka na koncu nekaj rastlinskih semen. Več slik spodaj.

Seed Cathedral
Samograditeljsko leseno kolo. Bravo!

www / vir
DIY Wooden Bicycle
To je pa čist’ huuuuudo! Merilno orodje, ki meri zlati rez. Noro.

www / vir
Golden Mean Calipers

22. marec 2010

Mini knjigica

Knjigice me še niso spustile, še vedno raziskujem in poskušam, kaj in kako še … tako je nastala tale v usnje vezana miniaturica. Velika je 42 x 35 mm. Usnje je oblikovano z okrasnimi vezicami in rahlo poudarjenim srčkom. Predlist in spojni list sta poslikana z akrili. Signature so klasično šivane. I’m still trying various book binding techniques. This is a miniature, 1” x  1,6”, bound in leather, decorated with raised bands and a relief heart outline on the cover. I painted the end paper and the flyleaf as well. The signatures are sewn in.



20. marec 2010


Za swap sem naredila šparovček. Izdelan je iz balze, porisan s pirografom, pobarvan in poslikan z akvareli in akrili. Vrata se odprejo, ker so na usnjenem “tečaju”, tako da je mogoče denarčke ven pobrat. Staro hišico s kamnitimi okenskimi okviri in streho iz kamnitih skril obkrožajo pomladno cvetoče cvetlice. Žleb je izdelan iz črnega skicirnega papirja, pobarvanega z interferenčnimi in iridescentnimi akrili. Na zadnji strani je balkon z visokimi okni in kamnito ograjo. Streha zaradi starosti žal nekoliko zamaka.
Spodnja ploščina je 10x8 cm, visok je 12 cm.
Ozadje je pa samo za fotko, tega moja swapika ne bo dobila ;)

I made this piggy bank (money box) for a swap. It’s made out of balsa wood (cut from scratch of course). I drew the features with a pyrography tool and painted it with acquarelles and acrylics. The door can be opened because of the leather hinge so it is possible to empty it. The old stonehouse with stone window frames and with a slate roof is sorrounded with spring flowers. The gutter is made out of black drawing paper, painted with interference and irridescent acrylics. On the back there is a balcony with french gothic windows (talking about mixed styles, right?) and a stone railing.

The roof is very old and it leaks.
Measurements: 3x4x5 inches.
The background is for photo purposes only.

sparovcek spredaj sparovcek zadaj

19. marec 2010

Art razglednica (3)

Rosie je pravkar sporočila, da je razglednica prišla k njej, zato jo lahko objavim. (Opravičujem se za obupno fotko, podlaga je narejena z iridescentnimi barvami. Piše pa: if life gives you lemons, make lemonade – with an umbrella!)  Novo fotko (na kateri se žal še vedno ne vidi iridescentnih barv, sem si sposodila z Rosijinega bloga.
Če bi še kdo swapnil doma narejeno razglednico z mano, naj se javi ali v komentarju (z mejlom) ali po mejlu! Zelo zabavno jih je delati in ni treba, da so z akrili. Lahko so štampiljkaste ali pa iz papirčkov ali kakršnekoli lepljenke ali narisane z barvicami, voščenkami, flomastri, tušem, samo kupljene ne. No, bele podlage so seveda lahko kupljene, lahko pa uporabite kos tršega papirja 10x15 cm in tako kakor Mary razglednico na zadnji strani kar narišete.
Rosie let me know that my postcard arrived so I can show it to you. (Sorry for the poor photo,) I snitched the image from Rosie’s blog because my photo was one of the most crappy I ever took, unfortunately the background iredescent acrylic color still doesn’t show. The writing on the left says: if life gives you lemons, make lemonade – with an umbrella!
LL razglednica 03b

18. marec 2010

Svet se pa vrti [101]

Danes double-bill. Ker sem prejšnji teden goljufal in objavljal stare stvari.

218.792 igralnih kart! Zloženih ena na drugo, brez lepila!

www / vir
218792 Cards
Velika noč se bliža …

www / vir
Chicken Eggs
Predpražnik :)

www / vir
Hopscotch Rug
Medo/vazica. Zajčka sta tudi luštna.

www / vir
Slo-mo psi. Sicer reklama za Pedigree, a vseeno kul.

Helveticaca :)

www / vir
Knjižna abeceda.

www / vir
Books Alphabet
Pa še številski del.

www / vir
Book Numbers
Rastoča miza.

www / vir
Growing Table
Growing Table
Sortirnik za vijake, matice in podložke. Arhiviram tu, da si ga bom enkrat naredil :)

www / vir
Hardware Sorting Box
»Vzporedni svet,« instalacija.

www / vir
Parallel World
Ura, sestavljena iz ur.

www / vir
Segmentus clock
Sokrat in Konfucij v »mizni« izvedbi.

www / vir
Thinker Tables
Voziček v steampunk preobleki.

www / vir
Steampunk Wheelchair
Predelajte svinčnike!

Pencil-eraser Stamps
Unikea – pohištvo, sestavljeno iz Ikeinih paketov, a brez oziranja na originalne načrte (pa tudi z obilno rabo žage in ostalih mizarskih orodij).

www / vir
Papir. Kar poglejte si slike.

www / vir
Pulp Fiction
Če si že ne morete privoščiti luksuzne hiše, boste morda zbrali za miniaturno izvedbo na prstanu. Ali pa tudi ne.

www / vir
Houses on Rings
Fuzijsko steklo Roberta Wienerja.

www / vir
Avstralski papirnati (no, kartonski) stolčki. Všeč.

www / vir
Papter Tiger Stool
Lubenica, ki se igra Zvezdo smrti :)

Death Star Watermelon

15. marec 2010

AJ TS (34)

Moja skicirka se pridno polni z narisanimi punčkami in včasih kakšna sede na kaj drugega, kar počnem. Tole sem narisala, medtem ko sva zadnjič s Sončo gledali Sabrino. Novo, žal, ne stare, originalna mi je bolj všeč.
V resnici je deklica manj bleda in ima nos, res.
Another journal spread, it seems that I’m unable to fill just one page at a time in my long&skinny journal – too narrow? Could be. I drew this petit doll while I was watching the remake of Sabrina (again). I do prefer the original, but I caught the remake on TV, so …

aj ts 03

14. marec 2010

Kolažni album drugič

Včeraj sem torej predala albume z dodatnimi papirji itd. taščici. Ko sem ji povedala, kako pa kaj, me je nekoliko zgroženo pogledala in vprašala In to naj bi zdaj jaz sama? Hja, tako je bilo mišljeno. A bi lahko kar ti?
Tako bomo zdaj videli, ali jih bom delala naprej kar doma ali jo bom mogoče prepričala, da bi kakšno zadevo naredili skupaj, mogoče pa jo celo potegne. (Slovon, nikar ne padi s stola od smeha.) Ne glede na to, da sem čimmanj komplicirala, sem jo očitno prestrašila. Vsekakor ne morem nadaljevati “v prazno”, brez fotografij.
I gave the started scrapbook albums to my MIL yesterday and from her 1st reaction it looks like I’ll have to finish them as well. We’ll see! I’ll definitely need the photos to go on, though.

05 album 06 album 07 album 08 album 09 album 10 album 11 album 12 album 13 album 14 album 15 album 16 album 17 album 18 album 19 album 20 album
