6. avgust 2010


Že kar nekaj časa je minilo, odkar sem pobarvala zadnjo skrinjico. Ali odkar sem uporabila čipke Karen Marie. Ampak tokrat se mi je ideja za darilo usidrala že pred nekaj časa. Za spremembo sem jo imela narejeno celo par dni pred skrajnim rokom in se ni “sušila v avtu na poti”. Otrok pravi, da naj nikar ne delam stvari pravočasno, ker jo je potem strah, da je z mano kaj narobe. Kakšen sloves sem si ustvarila … This started as a simple wooden box, you know the ones you buy to work on them. It’s been painted with layers and layers of Golden fluid acrylics in 4-5 colors. Then I half stamped half drew the wine and painted some Karen Marie lace to embellish it. Then I waxed it to give it that extra aged look. It’s been a while since I did one and making this for a present was a great pleasure.


3 komentarji:

  1. Hi Kitty...this box is really cute...if you started with a new box...it looks really antique now. I like what you have been doing with your art too...I apologize for not commenting here more often but blogspot usually doesn't want to cooperative.

  2. Hi Mary, yes, I started with a plain rough wooden box.

