12. september 2010

Nakitkanje (18)

Vem, da vas moj dragi pridno zasipa z lepimi “razglednica” fotkami, tačas ko se potepa po A’damu, ampak prišel je čas, da vam tudi jaz pokažem kakšno malenkost.
Moje zaloge ogrlic so se nevarno zmanjšale, nikakor se pa ne uspejo bistveno zmanjšati moje zaloge polizdelkov. Najprej sem se odločila, da bom porabila obeskaste kose.
Ko obesek obesiš na kombinacijo organze in vrvic, je to zelo učinkovito.
I know that Slovon scheduled a bunch of “photo posts” before he went in Amsterdam on his annual fair, but I just have to but in for a post or two.
I realized last month that in my jewelry/shop box the stock was running low while the stock of half done items was growing ever larger. It was time to act. First I tackled the pendant section.
When you hang a pendant on some organza with cords, the effect can be quite lovely!


Kjer je ena, jih je hitro še, errr, 8 :) Where there’s one, there soon are many.


Vsak obesek pa ne gre na organzo, pa tudi vsi ne marajo raznih vrvic, ampak imajo raje bolj preproste buna-cord variante. In da ni prav dolgčas, so tu različni okraski iz srebrne žice in celo ena vrvica, prepletena iz skaja na skubidu način.
Še jih je nastalo, ampak če vam pokažem čisto vse hkrati, potem nekaj časa ne bom imela kaj pokazati in mi bo dolgčas ;)
But not every pendant wants to be coupled with organza. Some simpler ones like buna-cord. For it to not get boring, I had to invent silver-wire findings at least for some. And for one I invented a scoubidou weave from a suede cord.
And I even made some more, but I’m saving them for another post ;)


1 komentar:

  1. I like the organza with the cords...beautiful pendants...I especially like the one in the bottom photo...third over from the left. I also enjoyed viewing some of your photos!

