Zadnje tedne neprestano poslušam te fante. | Lately I’m mostly listening to these boys. |
Klavir, kontrabas in bobni – odličen jazz v finski izvedbi. Nekaj malega jih je najti na YouTubu, boljšo zbirko pa ima Grooveshark. | Piano, double bass and drums – an excellent Finnish jazz. You can find small selection of their music on the YouTube but you should visit Grooveshark for more. |
Trio Toykeat je žal nehal delovati že pred nekaj leti, pianist pa je ustanovil Iiro Rantala New Trio z bolj moderno zasedbo – klavir, bobni in beatboxer. Tudi zelo zanimivo. | They stopped playing together few years ago. The piano player started new trio – Iiro Rantala New Trio. Interesting combination – piano, drums and beatbox. |
Hvala :-)