Gene Wolfe, The Book of the New Sun (The Shadow of the Torturer, The Claw of the Conciliator, The Sword of the Lictor, The Citadel of the Autarch), The Urth of the New Sun »I think I said yesterday that I was afraid I would go mad. I think perhaps I'm going sane, and that is as bad or worse.« Prihodnost, Sonce izgublja toploto in civilizacija razpada v mešanico visoke tehnologije in srednjega veka. Delo v štirih knjigah (brati samo eno od njih nima posebnega smisla), ki ji sledi še zaključek v peti knjigi. Ena od klasik SF-a. | |
»I just find it interesting that kids apparently used to cry when Bambi’s mother died. George and I both held our breaths, and then cheered when she didn’t reanimate and try to eat her son.« Nadaljevanje knjige Feed, ki sem jo bral avgusta. Ni tako odlična kot prva, je pa še vedno zelo dobra. Tema je pa podobna – zombiji in politika. Tretji in zadnji del izide šele naslednje leto. | |
Connie Willis, To Say Nothing of the Dog »I strode over to the door, hoping against hope the printed notices didn't say 2057. And weren't in German. They weren't. The top one said, "Parking is forbidden on the Broad, Parks Road, and in the Naffield College car park. Violators will be towed," which sounded fascist, but then the Parking Authority always sounded fascist.« Humoreska (z močnimi elementi Jerome Klapka Jeroma – kar se da uganiti iz naslova) o časovnem potovanju, ki je leta 99 pobrala Huga in Locus. | |
»Morning light the sulphur colour of the mine dumps seeps across Johannesburg's skyline and sears through my window. My own personal bat signal. Or a reminder that I really need to get curtains.« Neke sorte SF krimič, ki se dogaja v Johanesburgu, na svetu kjer vsi zločinci postanejo magično povezani z neko živaljo (različnih vrst) in spotoma pridobijo takšno ali drugačno nadnaravno zmožnost. Dobitnica letošnje nagrade Arthurja C. Clarka. Weird stuff. | |
Ted Chiang, Stories of Your Life and Others »I remember a conversation we'll have when you're in your junior year of high school. It'll be Sunday morning, and I'll be scrambling some eggs while you set the table for brunch. You'll laugh as you tell me about the party you went to last night.« Krasna zbirka sodobnih SF zgodb najrazličnejših tematik – od zidanja babilonskega stolpa do robotske civilizacije, ki deluje na stisnjen zrak. »The Lifecycle of Software Objects« je letos pobral Locus in Huga za najboljšo kratko zgodbo, meni pa je bila najbolj všeč naslovna. | |
»In the dark, driving through Xiamen was like driving through any other modern city, save that they were more exuberant, here, about lighting things up; the highway was illuminated with dashed lines of blue neon, and bright signs, some familiar corporate logos and others unreadable by Zula, erupted from the tops of buildings.« Začel je s hardkore SF klasikami (Snow Crash, The Diamond Age), nadaljeval s kriptografijo (Cryptonomicon) in zgodovino (The Baroque Cycle – tega še nisem prebral), zgodovino prihodnosti (Anathem), zdaj se je pa vrgel še v krimi/triler vode. Reamde se ukvarja z računalniškimi igrami, računalniškimi virusi, ruskim organiziranim kriminalom in teroristi (valjda da arabskimi), vse skupaj pa je zmešano v precej dolgo zadevo, ki ima od tretjega poglavja dalje tempo prvega filma Die Hard in ga drži do konca. | |
Robert Chansler et al, The Architecture of Open Source Applications »Building architecture and software architecture have a lot in common, but there is one crucial difference. While architects study thousands of buildings in their training and during their careers, most software developers only ever get to know a handful of large programs well. And more often than not, those are programs they wrote themselves.« Malce stroke – prosto dostopna knjiga o raznih prostokodnih programih in njihovi arhitekturi. Na voljo tudi v plačljivem formatu, ves dohodek gre Amnesty International. Za razliko od računalniških bibliografij, ki sem jih bral v prejšnjih mesecih, je ta dobra in zanimiva (no, vsaj mestoma). | |
»"Twins, born six years apart," the man said, sounding bored and rehearsed. "It's a long story."« Lois Bujold vleče svoje zgodbe o Milesu Vorkosiganu že od leta 1987 , izdala pa je brezbroj knjig (tam ene 20 jih je menda). Letos je bila nominirana za Huga, čeprav si po mojem mnenju tega niti približno ne zasluži. Saj je v redu knjiga, taka čisto za poletno ali popoletno branje, ampak prav po ničemer ne izstopa iz množice kvalitetnega esefa. | |
![]() | Darinka Koron, Jagodičje – gojenje in uporaba »Jagodičje je za človekov organizem pomemben vir mineralov.« Vse o jagodičju – o rastlinah in plodovih, rastnih pogojih, pripravi tal, gojenju, obiranju in predelavi. Super! |
Berem: The Redbreast
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