15. januar 2012

Decembrsko branje

Knjiga soli

Monique Truong, Knjiga soli

»Ženska s sovjim obrazom ponovi svoje vprašanje. Menda sem se ves pogreznil v spomine na Baa. Kako dolgo sem tukaj stal in molčal? Svoj zamik v odzivanju, celo kadar je vprašanje preprosto in neposredno, lahko običajno odpišem z namsehom in s preprostim “Moja francoščina ni zelo dobra”. A to popoldne ne zmorem ne enega ne drugega.«

O (izmišljenem) vietnamskem kuharju Gertrude Stein in Alice B. Toklas, o življenju daleč od doma med tujci, o imperializmu in še čem.


The Affinity Bridge

George Mann, Newbury & Hobbes (The Affinity Bridge, The Osiris Ritual, The Immortality Engine)

»Veronica was now a few miles south of London in a small village called Malbury Cross, which she had first visited three or four months earlier while investigating the affair of a clockwork scarecrow that had taken to hunting the local people through the usually quiet streets.«

Steampunk, ampak tak bolj na nivoju doktor romanov. Osnova je sicer čisto fina detektivka, tehnični detajli pa nihajo v čisto fantastiko in so precej neprebavljivi.


Cold Magic

Kate Eliott, The Spiritwalker Trilogy (Cold Magic, Cold Fire)

»The cold magic pulsing from him coursed down my sword’s hidden blade. If I twisted my draw just right, I could pull a blade into this world out of the spirit world where it currently resided. Not that cold steel would avail me much against Andevai Diarisso Haranwy, the very cold mage who had destroyed the famous airship.«

Magija in vzporedni svet duhov. Sem mislil, da ne bo nič posebnega, pa je zelo dobro napisano in tudi zgodba je odlična (če pač sprejmeš osnovne predpostavke). Čakam tretji del – Cold Steel.


Ghosts of Manhattan

George Mann, Ghosts of Manhattan

»Behind him, the car engine purred with a low growl. He'd left it running, ready for a quick getaway. Ollie had stoked it himself a few minutes earlier, shoveling black coal from the hopper into the small furnace at the rear of the vehicle, superheating the fluid in the water tank to build up a head of steam.«

Steampunk verzija Batmana, New York 1920.



Terry Pratchett, Snuff

»It was a far cry from the Vimes childhood, and playing poo sticks with real poo.«

Že 39. knjiga iz ploščatega sveta in deveta knjiga o mestni straži. Načelnik Vimes se odpravi na dopust na deželo in se zaplete v probleme z goblini. Odlična.


Berem: The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos

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