In še zadnja darilasta objava. Moja starša sta dobila 2 kuvertici, upam, da bosta čez par dni na koncertu Perpetuum Jazzile strašansko uživala. Ampak, da ni vedno samo kuvertica, smo se tokrat vsi 4 (tudi sestra in njen mož) ornk potrudili ter spekli in sestavili poštni nabiralnik iz medenega testa. Na sprednji plošči je lepo izpisan priimek, pa je zamegljen. | And so we came to the end of the gift giving posts. For my parents that received some tickets we decided that just an envelope can be boring and we made a gingerbread postbox. That was some work! At times we definitely needed all the 8 hands available. |
Iiii, sladko darilce. Njams, dobra ideja :)