23. julij 2012

Uhani za nedeljski izhod (25/52)

Ja, vem, da smo v 30. tednu leta, ampak nič ne pomaga. Jaz sem za dober mesec v zaostanku z uhani. Bom enega teh dni nadoknadila, samo da odpošljem vse prevode.
So pa zato v soboto med prijateljičinim obiskom nastali tile lepotci. Po njeni želji in predlogih.
Yes, I know that we’re in week 30, but that doesn’t help much. I did some stuff for the soup blog hop and not much else. I’ll catch up one of these days, promise. As soon as I slain all those deadly lions, lurking in the bushes.
But on Saturday I made this pair of earrings while chatting with a friend that came to visit us. She wanted a flashy pair and she choose most of the beads herself.

1 uhani

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