Umetniški dnevnik? Hm, v angleščini se bolje sliši, manj obremenjeno. Beseda umetnost je veliko bolj obvezujoča od besede art. V moji glavi. Zato naj bo naslov kar lepo angleški.
V glavnem. Že nekaj dni berem pri Joyful ploys o tem, kako ustvarja svoj umetniški dnevnik. Včeraj sem prebirala tudi blog L.K. Ludwiga. In ker me že nekaj časa drži, me je sinoči čisto zares pograbilo. Tole je rezultat. Ko sem menila, da sem končala, sem naredila tudi platnico. Na njej sicer piše art journal, ima pa tudi podnaslov. Podnaslov je feeble attempt.
Na večji rumen ostanek je nalepljena stran zato, da jo bom lahko preluknjala in vpela v dnevnik. To, da piše na tem ostanku spodaj novo leto, je naključje. Ali pač?
I’ve been reading about Art journals and art journaling for a while on Joful ploys. Yesterday there was a link to L.K. Ludwig’s blog as well. That was the drop that caused the tide and took me on the other side. I just had to try. My DH said that he likes it. It was strange, how things popped in my hands. The two striped bars look like a railway barrier that went up. The stamps I received yesterday and I didn’t know what they say, even more, I didn’t even know that the flower is made of letters. Wishes and dreams … how appropriate. I’m using pieces of paper I cut to a CD-case size so I can take them anywhere and use the stuff I pick up while not at home on them. If I’ll manage, of course. If I can keep up for more than 2 days. I’m not using a moleskine (not sure that they are available in Slovenia at all), also because I suspect that some pages are bound to finish in the bin, journal or no journal. I’m not using an old book either – I still have problems with that concept. After I finished, I made a cover from a 6x6 cover of a DP pack. The wording does in fact say Art journal on the cover, but I wrote “feeble attempt” underneath. That’s how confident I am. I glued the finished page on a scrap 6x6 paper so I will be able to put book-rings through it. It’s probably a coincidence that you can see the words “novo leto” - “new year” on the bottom. Or is it?
všeč mi je ideja. Všeč mi je tvoja realizacija.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVšeč mi je kar na to temo dela Danny Gregory.
Če se ti da, počekiraj Roberto (just me and my creations), je začela delati nekaj podobnega.
Robin post je uletel ravno tačas, ko sem končevala angleški del tega vpisa in sem ji tudi takoj pustila komentar. Tak, rahlo fatalistične sorte. Na to, da Robi ne bom segla do kolen, sem se že navadila :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiKitty, this is great! You have lots of talent. The idea of having the paper loose and then putting it in a book later is what many art journalists do. You can use anything...old maps, mailing envelopes or whatever you have around. I'll check back and see what else you come up with. I like your ATC's too!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPolona, sem šla počekirat Dannyja. Mega. Sam jaz imam problem. Ne znam risat.
OdgovoriIzbrišiA great idea Kitty:
OdgovoriIzbrišiI think you will find a lot of joy and self-discovery with your art- journaling.
SuZ (Stamparita)
Uau...kaka dobra ideja. Čeprav še nisem tako umetniško nadarjena, da bi mi uspelo kaj takega...morda pa nekoč ;)