Moja knjižna kazala nastajajo, ko pospravljam materiale po mizi in se pripravljam na to, da bom zložila kakšno voščilnico. Na njih preizkušam tehnike, učinke, porabim kakšne koščke, ki so primerni za kazala ali za ATC-je … Pri nas smo štirje bralci in nobeden od nas hkrati ne bere samo ene knjige. Zato je veliko kazal vsakdanjih, da nam jih ni škoda vreči proč, ko se prepognejo, zmečkajo in ofucajo. S knjigami delamo lepo, s kazali pa niti ne zelo. Sicer bi bilo lepše, če bi jih objavila včeraj, ko je bil dan knjige, ampak nič hudega.
Bookmarks are something I either make as gifts, and those are more elaborate, but I make lots of them just because. Just because I have scraps on the desk and beside the desk, those go either on an ATC or they become a bookmark. With four avid readers in the house bookmarks are something that have to be abundant. None of us, not even the little 6 y.o., read just one book at a time. And while we treat our books with respect, the bookmarks are seldom reserved the same treatment.
These two bookmarks are the first ones I’m entering in the Cristine’s candy with a challenge. I’ll be making some more today and tomorrow, supposedly of the first kind :)
Your bookmarks are really cute!!! Thanks for entering in my candy draw.
Zelo luštna.