Nova stran v dnevniku je nastala v ponedeljek zvečer, ko sem preizkušala novonakupljene čudeže: gesso, akrile, neke gloss medije in podobno, za katere še ugotavljam, kako delujejo. Navdušena sem nad odličnim zlatim akrilom. Ker sem kupila samo par barv, je vmes tudi malo akvarelov.
This is the latest page from my art journal. I’m entering it to the Anything but a card challenge #60 from My time to craft, obviously because it isn’t a card and to the Cute Thursday Challenge #60 Letters and numbers. Lot’s of letters on this one, even an “accidental poem”, and even a smudged date in the upper right corner (I only noticed that it was smudged because of the handling AFTER I took the photo, I have to fix that)
Today’s Candy-roll:
- AuroraDawn is celebrating her birthday with a candy, happy birthday!, 21. maj;
- Debbie is giving away the mother of all candies for her birthday and happy birthday to you as well!!, 23. maj;
- Elisabeth is giving away the entire collection of Guardian Angel WOJ stamps – that would be lovely, I mostly own Elisabeth’s stamps :)
wow, it is stunning! Many thanks for joining in the CCT challenge! Have a great day! Debx
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow stunning work!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTale stran mi gre pa čisto do srca - barve, navidez preprosta slika, igranje z besedami na levi in desni.Bravo!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAkrilni mediji mimogrede gredo skupaj tudi s polijem ;-)).
lovely card
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful page the finished art journal will be stunning I'm sure :o)