10. november 2009

Rožnik je zakon

Že ko se je popoldne za nekaj minut pokazalo sonce, sem vedel, da bo treba danes migat. Nato pa so se razkadili zoprni grdi oblaki in sploh ni bilo dvoma o tem. Zato sem, ko sem peljal tamalega plavat v Tivoli, v prtljažnik vrgel še palice (nordijske), nase pa obesil Sigmo in Garmina.

Cilj je bil sprehod po Rožniku in – kakor lahko vidite na spodnjem zemljevidu – mi je to v celoti uspelo. Pet kilometrov in pol, 150 m višinske razlike. Skoraj neverjetno za nekaj, kar velja za ljubljansko sprehajališče. Sprehajalcev praktično nič; nekaj tekačev in nekaj pasjevodcev. Na spustu od Šišenskega vrha do Rožne doline, kjer vodi samo gozdna pot, pa sploh ni bilo nikogar. Samo jaz in temen gozd.

Rožnik je zakon!

For the last few days we had really bad weather and that’s why I was all set for hiking when a sun pierced heavy clouds for few minutes. I got my chance in the afternoon when  I had to taxi our boy to the pool. So I packed not only his swimming gear but also my nordic walking poles, heart monitor and GPS.

The idea was to take a nice hike through the woods near the pool – a place called “Rožnik” (a hilly part of Ljubljana). It was a nice walk, indeed. 5.5 km and almost 150 m of ascent. There were almost no people, just few runners and walk-the-doggers. Even better – the last steeply descent, where there’s no good track but just a wooden path, was completely empty. Just me and dark woods.

Roznik rules!



Pomnik: Naslednjič moram vzeti še čelno svetilko. V gozdu je temno.

Mental note: Next time, also pack headlight. It’s dark in the woods.

1 komentar:

  1. that looks like quite a trek.....especially the "up hill" part!!! and yes, next time take the flashlight so all of those lions and tigers and bears don't get you! hee hee :))

