5. november 2009

Svet se pa vrti [83]

Za sol in poper.

www / vir [via ata slon]
Elegantno mačje praskalo. Očitno avtor ne ve, da mačke nikoli ne praskajo po stvareh, ki jih kupiš v ta namen.

www / vir
InstrumenTube – predstavitev instrumentov na YouTube. Klikneš na drsnik pod tonom in glasbenik zaigra noto. Genialno.

www / vir
Ogromen papirnat stol, ki je hkrati tudi post-it blok. Listi so zlepljeni samo na hrbtu in se jih da odtrgat.

www / vir
Ročno delo naših severnih sosedov.

www / vir
Ponovna uporaba: steza za bowling kot klubska mizica.

www / vir
bowling desk
Tipografski šah. O, ja!

Type chess set
Fenomenalna žičnata luč.

www / vir
Wire Chandelier
Za konec pa še varianta pulta, ki sem jo v svojem pregledu čisto spregledal.

www / vir
Lego counter

5 komentarjev:

  1. LOL (ad 2).
    To moram pa našim povedat, mogoče jih bomo pa kdaj menjali (ad 6).

    A ta zadnji pult misliš, da je cel iz kock, ali samo "zunanja" plast? Videti je krasno, pa zdi se, da ga lahko zamenjaš, ko se ga naveličaš... oz ko se naveličaš loviti tekočino, ki teče v reže :D

  2. "It seems that quite a few things will benefit from a Scandinavian touch. Munchausen, a duo formed by Parisian designers Simon Pillard and Philippe Rosetti, took a bold approach with their own kitchen by venturing to IKEA for the basic kitchen island and then spending the next week covering it with more than 20,000 pieces by another Scandinavian brand, Lego."

    Tko da bi rekel, da je samo zunanja plast.

  3. you always find the BEST photos to share!! and i love your house screens!! what a fabulous idea to have them painted the same color as the house! :)

  4. @Lori - i think it was the other way around (first the screens were ordered and then the color of the house chosen) ... but I can be mistaken.

  5. No, actually, first we choose a color for the house, then we choose the color of the screens, then we were told that the first color for the house was unobtainable by that lazy business owner that still didn't collect his garbage, then we choose another color for the house. So that they match is a pure luck thing.

