Še vedno berem: Coders at Work.
![]() | Iain M. Banks, Consider Phlebas »This is the bi-port city of Evanauth, Vavatch Orbital, the very same Vavatch Orbital that in about eleven standard hours from now is due to be blasted into its component atoms as the Idiran-Culture war in this part of the galaxy, near the Glittercliff and Sullen Gulf, reaches a new high in standing-by-your-principles-regardless and a new low in common sense.« Še vedno se prebijam skozi Banksov opus. Consider Phlebas opisuje delček vojne med Idirani in Kulturo, povedano z vidika zaveznika Idiranov. Odlično napisano in zelo Banksovsko (beri: konca ne doživi skoraj nihče). wiki |
![]() | Iain M. Banks, The Player of Games »This is the story of a man who went far away for a long time, just to play a game. The man is a game-player called 'Gurgeh'. The story starts with a battle that is not a battle, and ends with a game that is not a game. Me? I'll tell you about me later.« Citat pove vse. Eno izmed bolj lahkotnih Banksovih del. wiki |
![]() | Iain M. Banks, Excession » What the crushingly powerful four-limbed hug would have done to a human unprotected by a suit designed to withstand pressures comparable to those found at the bottom of an ocean probably did not bear thinking about, but then a human exposed without protection to the conditions required to support Affronter life would be dying in at least three excitingly different and painful ways anyway without having to worry about being crushed by a cage of leg-thick tentacles.« V zakotnem koncu vesolja se pojavi neznano (in neverjetno napredno) plovilo, metan dihajoče hobotnice pripravljajo vojno proti Kulturi in Misli (možgani, ki upravljajo vesoljske ladje) kujejo neke svoje načrte. Skratka, vse sestavine vesoljske opere. Dobro napisano in napeto ter – vsaj po običajnih Banksovih kriterijih – z zelo nizkim številom mrtvih glavnih junakov. wiki |
Dietlof Reiche, Dogodivščine hrčka Frančka, Hrček Franček na begu Hrček Franček se nauči brati in pisati (no, tipkati) in si najde dom, v drugi knjigi pa se spopade z norim znanstvenikom. Naprej žal niso prevedene :( Najdete v vseh boljših knjižnjicah. Jaz sem jih sunil sinu zadnji trenutek, preden jih je bilo treba vrniti v knjižnico, zato ni ne slik (vse naslovke na netu so drugačne od slovenskih), niti citatov (pozabu, sorry). Luštno. wiki | |
![]() | Iain M. Banks, The State of the Art »The first Gift fell onto a pig farm in New England. It popped into existence five metres above a ramshackle outhouse, dropped through the roof, bounced off a cistern and demolished a wheel-less tractor driving a band saw.« Zbirka. Nekaj zgodb iz cikla Kultura, nekaj nedefiniranih esefov in nekaj zelo čudnih zadev, ki niti v SF ne pašejo. Skratka, čudno in relativno nezanimivo. wiki |
![]() | Neil Stephenson, Snow Crash »Above him, in the house that owns the pool, a light has come on, and children are looking down at him through their bedroom windows, all warm and fuzzy in their Li’l Crips and Ninja Raft Warrior pajamas, which can either be flameproof or noncarcinogenic but not both at the same time.« Na Neila me je spomnil JureF. Hvala, že presneto dolgo ga nisem bral. Roman iz sveta, ki je doživel delen kolaps civilizacije in ga preživel, sveta, v katerem drži mafija roko nad raznašanjem pic in v katerem se avatarji glavnih junakov sabljajo v navideznem svet. Roman o računalniških in memetskih virusih in sumerskem prispevku k civilizaciji. Genialno delo, zelo priporočam. wiki |
V čakalni vrsti: Peopleware, Dragonflight (Dragonriders of Pern 1), The Little Book of Sempahores.
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