Začeli smo na dveh frontah – mizarska delavnica na balkonu in lakirnica zadaj za hišo. | Woodshop on the terrace and paint shop behind the house. |
O vsem, kar se nam dogaja ...
Začeli smo na dveh frontah – mizarska delavnica na balkonu in lakirnica zadaj za hišo. | Woodshop on the terrace and paint shop behind the house. |
Zadnje čase se vsako poletje lotimo enega dela hiše ali okolice – delali smo kopalnico, barvali dnevno sobo, popravili strop in lani razbijali okolico hiše zaradi priklopa na kanalizacijo (no, to so počeli drugi, mi pa smo vse skupaj plačevali še do prejšnjega meseca). Letos je prišla na vrsto »večnamenska« soba, v katero se bo preselila naša tavelka. Z bratom sta bivala v veliki otroški spalnici, zdaj pa gre mladenka v srednjo šolo in hoče svojo sobo. Malo bo treba pospraviti, predvsem pa narediti posteljo, police in delovno mizo. Soba je zaenkrat v precejšnjem razsulu; kot se lepo vidi na slikah, jo uporabljamo za glasbo in za spravljanje krame. | The last few summers were always busy with renovation projects – new bathroom in 2009, living room renovation and kitchen ceiling repair in 2010, sewerage works in 2011. This year we are converting a “multipurpose” room into a bedroom for our daughter. Up to know she was sharing a room with her brother but now she is going into secondary school and she wants her own room. At the moment the room is being used for storage and playing music. |
Na steno, pred katero stoji jogi, pride pritrjena omara/postelja. Nekaj takega (ampak ne čisto taka). Posteljo sva uporabljala v predprešnjem stanovanju, potem pa smo jo morali »malo« uničiti, da smo jo sploh spravili iz stanovanja, pa so nam ostali samo lice, hrbet in mehanizem. | The room is small so she will be getting a closet bed. We already have one such bed which we used two apartments back but we had to partially destroy it to get it from the apartment. We only have front, back and the mechanical contraption that raises/lowers the bed. |
Ogrodje je treba narediti na novo – to bo projekt za ta teden. Ostanek sobe bomo pa zgradili okoli postelje, tako da bo izkoriščen vsak milimeter. | I have to build a new closet for this bed and this will the project for the next week. After the bed is finished, we’ll build the rest of the room around it to use every millimeter of space. |
Tako, pa je napočil dan D1, prvi dan za razkritja tega, kaj smo iz prejetih mineštrc ustvarile udeleženke. Prva tretjina od 400 sodelujočih. S klikom na slikico pridete do naslovov drugih udeleženk. | Finally the day D1 is here and I get to reveal what I made out of the soup Ile sent me. If you click on the image, you get to the blog with the addresses of other participants. |
Če se ne spomnite, kaj sem dobila od Ile, lahko pogledate mojo objavo. Vseh koščkov še nisem porabila, na nekaterih še poizkušam, kako in kaj, prve stvari so pa že tu. Sem pa zaradi uporabljenih tehnik kar precej dodajala iz svojih zalog. Najprej sem čisto na hitro naredila ene morske uhane: | I didn’t yet manage to use all the beads and focals Ile sent, some are in various form of trials. I used quite a bit of my stash as well. First I decided on a pair of summer earrings: |
Potem sem hotela uporabiti keramični srček, vendar sem osnovo zastavila nekoliko prebogato in je ogrlica ostala brez centralnega obeska. Uporabila sem vse kose, ki so dišali po lilasti, in pa sponko. Porabila sem tudi vse svoje ametistne koščke, nekaj velikih steklenih perl, ki sem jih bohve zakaj pograbila zadnjič v HA, pa še celo škatlico malih perlic in perle iz ene stare podrte ogrlice, ki mi jih je pred vsaj 7 leti podarila znanka. | Then I really wanted to use the heart, but I started a bit lusciously and with 4 strands there really wasn’t a need to add a focal as well. I used all Ile’s beads that were verging on violet, all of my amethyst chips, a broken necklace I got from a friend at least 7 years ago, a on of seed beads and the clasp Ile sent. |
Nekaj težav sem imela s kombiniranjem rjavih in zlatih za k zlatemu keramičnemu obesku, ker to zelo niso moje barve. Še nikoli nisem na eni sami ogrlici porabila toliko zlatih koščkov, vendar mi je na koncu le uspel izdelek, ki mi je na določen način všeč, čeprav nikakor ni zame, za katerega pravi Slovon, da ve, kateremu segmentu gospa pristoji, naš Frocek pa je ogrlico preprosto in na prvi pogled označil za “kičasto”. Kaj pa vi mislite? | I was a bit lost with the golden pieces I got because gold is not my cup of tea. I kinda like this piece, although it’s not something I would wear. I never used so much gold together on a necklace … |
Zadnja je nastala ogrlica z metuljem, za katero sem morala še dobiti nekaj kapic in pine prave barve. Ko sem jo že končala in jo je Slovon že pofotkal, pa mi je šinilo v glavo, da morda bi pa morala vanjo preplesti še turkizni trak iz organze. Dajem na glasovanje, kako je videti bolje, z ali brez? | As the last piece I’m presenting a bronze – turquoise – white combination with the ceramic butterfly – I love it. When the photo was already taken, I thought of stranding a piece of turquoise organza in the rings, but I’m not sure – which one is better? |
Tako. Kaj se bo zgodilo s preostankom, bomo še videli. Nikar ne pozabite preveriti, kaj je iz mojih kosov naredila Ile! In če potrebujete malo navdiha, ga boste nedvomno našli pri drugih udeleženkah Bead Soup Blog Hopa! | This is it. Don’t forget to check out what Ile made of the polymer and wire pieces I sent to her! And if you’re searching for a bit of inspiration, I’m sure that you can find a ton visiting the other blog hop participants! |
Lučke iz elektroluminiscentnega papirja. www / vir | |
Veliki kvačkani aligator - otroško igrišče. www / vir | |
Reciklaža. www / vir | |
Glasbeni kozarci. www / vir | |
Česnast namizni komplet. www / vir | |
Lučke iz soli. www / vir | |
Poletne domine. vir | |
Slikanje z lučjo. www / vir | |
Živali iz reciklirane robe. www / vir | |
»4D« tipografija – 3D črke, ki iz vseh štirih strani prikažejo isto črko. www / vir: @oveheardatmoo |
Ja, vem, da smo v 30. tednu leta, ampak nič ne pomaga. Jaz sem za dober mesec v zaostanku z uhani. Bom enega teh dni nadoknadila, samo da odpošljem vse prevode. So pa zato v soboto med prijateljičinim obiskom nastali tile lepotci. Po njeni želji in predlogih. | Yes, I know that we’re in week 30, but that doesn’t help much. I did some stuff for the soup blog hop and not much else. I’ll catch up one of these days, promise. As soon as I slain all those deadly lions, lurking in the bushes. But on Saturday I made this pair of earrings while chatting with a friend that came to visit us. She wanted a flashy pair and she choose most of the beads herself. |
Richard York, Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery »That said, to truly appreciate what John has done to bridge the gap in jQuery, a brief review of how events work without a framework is in order. This chapter reiterates how event handling works in JavaScript via the traditional event model, the W3C event model, and Microsoft’s JScript event model, followed by a demonstration of how events work with jQuery.« Malo stroke. Debel špeh, ki sem ga samo preletel, da sem dobil osnovno znanje o jQueryju. | |
Steven Gould, Jumper, Reflex, Griffin’s Story »I hit my thumb twice while pounding in the nail for the picture. Then, when I hung it, I found that I'd put it too low and had it to do all over again, including hitting my thumb.« Tri novele na temo ljudi s sposobnostmi teleportiranja. Prvi dve sta povezani, tretja samostojna. Ni slabo. | |
»Commercials really get to him. He says you used to be able to skip them, just prog them right out of your recording, but it's hard to imagine that now.« Lauren Beukes piše čudne SF romane (boljšega opisa ne znam najti), ki se dogajajo v njej domačem Johhanesburgu. Za Moxyland bi rekel isto kot za pred časom prebrani Zoo City – ni slabo, a je brez nekega pametnega začetka in konca. | |
Marcus Sedgwick, Prikazni in pripomočki »Odlomek iz Valevinove izumiteljske beležke: Izumi lepilo. Zlepi stole. Najdi nekaj drugega, na čemer bodo sedeli sloni.« Nadaljevanje finega otroško-mladinskega romana o starem gradu, čudaški družini in krokarju, ki pripoveduje zgodbo. | |
»It was a quiet morning, the town covered over with darkness and at ease in bed. Summer gathered in the weather, the wind had the proper touch, the breathing of the world was long and warm and slow. You had only to rise, lean from your window, and know that this indeed was the first real time of freedom and living, this was the first morning of summer.« Junija nas je zapustil Ray Bradbury, pa sem se spravil ponovno prebirat njegova dela. Začel sem z Regratovim vinom, prijetno zgodbo o otroštvu v časih, ko še ni bilo interneta, telefonov, televizije in so bili avtomobili še redkost na ameriških cestah. Priporočam. | |
Ray Bradbury, The Martian Chronicles »"There they are," said Dad, and he shifted Michael on his shoulder and pointed straight down. The Martians were there. Timothy began to shiver. The Martians were there--in the canal--reflected in the water. Timothy and Michael and Robert and Mom and Dad. The Martians stared back up at them for a long, long silent time from the rippling water.« Knjiga ne ravno povezanih in ne ravno usklajenih zgodb o zemeljskih odpravah in invaziji na Mars. Klasika SF-a. Mljac! | |
Ray Bradbury, The Illustrated Man »The rain continued. It was a hard rain, a perpetual rain, a sweating and steaming rain; it was a mizzle , a downpour, a fountain, a whipping at the eyes, an undertow at the ankles; it was a rain to drown all rains and the memory of rains. It came by the pound and the ton, it hacked at the jungle and cut the trees like scissors and shaved the grass and tunneled the soil and molted the bushes. It shrank men’s hands into the hands of wrinkled apes; it rained a solid glassy rain, and it never stopped.« Zbirka nepovezanih SF zgodb v značilnem Bradburyjevem slogu. | |
Ray Bradbury, Something Wicked this Way Comes »And if it's around October twentieth and everything smoky-smelling and the sky orange and ash grey at twilight, it seems Hallowe'en will never come in a fall of broomsticks and a soft flap of bedsheets around corners. But one strange wild dark long year, Hallowe'en came early. One year Hallowe'en came on October 24, three hours after midnight.« Roman z zelo podobno zasnovo kot Dandelion Wine – Amerika pred prvo svetovno vojno skozi otroške oči – le da je ta bolj v fantastično-horror vodah. Prvič sem jo prebral in mi je bila zelo všeč. | |
Ray Bradury, The October Country »The October country . . . that country where it is always turning late in the year. That country where the hills are fog and the rivers are mist; wherenoons go quickly, dusks and twilights linger, andmidnights stay. That country composed in the main of cellars, sub-cellars, coalbins, closets, attics, and pantries faced away from the sun. That country whose people are autumn people, thinking only autumn thoughts.« Zbirka horror/bizarnih zgodb. Marsikatera od njih se je znašla v TV nanizanki The Ray Bradbury Theater. |
Berem: Leviathan Wakes