22. januar 2009

Papirčkanje (22)

Moja prva velika papirna ljubezen so bili ATC-ji. Naredila sem jih krepko čez 200, skoraj vse sem izmenjala z drugimi ustvarjalkami po svetu. Dve rinčni mapi, polni ATC-jev z vsega sveta imam. Po precej dolgem premoru sem spet naredila serijo. Hej, G., videl boš, da še nisem obupala nad pasteli :)

ATC-ji so skenirani, ponekod kakšen vogalček ali stranica malček odmanjkata.

ATC-ji so namenjeni izmenjavi, če bi kdo kaj menjal, naj pusti komentar ali mejl.

After a long hiatus I made a series of ATC again. The old ones are long gone around the world and these are all up for trade. Leave me a comment or send me an e-mail.

They are mostly quite different from what I used to make, I have more stamps, I have a box of pastels, waterbrushes for my watercolors (soooo handy, I couldn’t believe it yesterday evening), I have Tria markers … different supplies, different artwork. You’ll tell me if it’s any good.

First, we have two cats. The techniques are obviously quite different. The first one is a decoupage paper, shadowed with chalks and the second one is just hand-drawn with a marker. Could as well be part of the last series, the valentines.

Od vedno sem delala ATC-je z mačkami. Mačji človek pač.

01 cat 102 cat 2

Prostoročno risanje. Barvano z barvicami in terpentinom.

Freehand drawing, coloring pencils and terpentine.

03 fantasy

Freehand again, this time with pastels. I’m quite obsessed with cupcakes lately, no idea why. The first drawing is a typical Slovenian hay-rack, called kozolec. I like this one most of all.

Na tale kozolec sem res ponosna, nimam pojma, kako to, da mi je tako uspel, čeprav sem imela precej podobno slikico “za prerisovanje”. Muffinček pa … je muffinast :)

04 kozolec05 cupcake

One of those classical (for me, I mean) musical ones.

Slikico sem snela nekje z neta in sem jo imela sprintano že vsaj leto dni. Verjetneje več.

06 music

ATC-ji s štampiljkami so zame novost. Ker doslej nisem imela štampiljk, jasno. Roza rožice so so kombinirane s plastmi karirastega papirja, barvane s Tria markerji. Pri narcisah sem štampiljke maskirala, da se ne prekrivajo, pravzaprav pa sem najprej kartonček pobarvala in šele nato uporabila štampiljko. Narcise in listi so barvani s pasteli. Pri šopkih v skledi sem se spomnila na vrtnarijo …

The pink flowers are colored with Tria markers and combined with some gingham paper. The flower pots, daffodiles and the leaves are colored with pastels.

08 gingham flowers10 flower pots07 autumn leaves
09 daffodiles

Kaj je to? Cupcake ali palčkova hišica?

Not really sure what this one is, it was speculated that a dwarf could live in it, and I’m not sure it’s not going in the bin either. It looks worse on the scan than in RL, but still …

11 cupcake fantasy

In še love serija. Različne tehnike, različna pisala.
1. stamped heart on sakura pens (the scanner cut off the right scalloped border)

2. Tria markers

3. cuttlebug cutouts, paper, sakura glaze, stamps and whatnot

4. heart stamped on watercoloured background, varnished

5. paper layering, chalks, varnished

I’m entering the last two in the Challenge that Crazy for Daisies made for her candy (1. feb).

12 valentine 114 valentine 313 valentine 215 valentine 4 16 valentine 5

- Crafty Coo podarja bombonček 29. januarja, love the rabbit on the pot;
Glitter me silly pa podarja dva bombončka, a card and a scrapbooking one on Feb 7th.

5 komentarjev:

  1. ma, dobro, KDAJ imaš čas za vse to?????
    Saj vem, sem že vprašala...

  2. Hi, hi ... a veš, da sem mislila nate, ko sem pred dvema dnevoma delala serijo ATCjev z novimi igračkami (Rangerjevi alkoholni inki).
    Jih pokažem, ko bodo vsi dokončani.

  3. @akvarij - ma to so take mičkene kartice, veš, če ni glih kakšna, ki dela probleme, ne porabiš tooolk časa (tista, ki bo šla verjetno v smeti, mi je delala problem za problemom, ja)

    @Simona - oooo, a bojo za menjavo?

  4. Po vrsti so ATC-ji:
    2 3 4 6 7 9 12 13 15 16
    že oddani.

  5. please send me a pm on SCS.....please send me your name and addy, you have won some goodies from my blog

    my name is daiseyfreak on SCS

